
Tonight was the last night I’ll get to spend for a while with many of my friends who are going to college immeniently. Some of the people I’ve been close to for more than four years now, others I didn’t really get the chance to know until school got out, sadly. The (long) night was very fun, ranging from coffee to dinner to frisbee to dessert and more food. I’m sure that I’ll be in a bit of trouble for getting in at 5 AM, but spending this last night with everyone was worth it. I’m going to miss Rene, Anna, Rachel, Julie, Rebecca, Bridget, Emily, Carolyn, Rex, and many other people going out of town I can’t even think of right now. Our class has always had a very strong identity, and I hope that I can keep in good touch with all these people. Update: Photos online

4 thoughts on “Parting

  1. ::keeps writing yearbooky things::

    ::keeps erasing them because they sound dumb::

    I’m going to miss you too. Last night (which it really was) was wonderful. 😉

    And if we lose touch despite all the online sites and forums and journals and whatnot… well, you get the idea. We won’t.