20 thoughts on “More Gmail

  1. Let’s see, I need (really want) it for email ;-).

    Actually, I am looking for a new email solution. Rumor has it gmail is the “thing to have” nowadays. Besides it’s hard to pronounce yahoo to someone who is not very computer literate.

    Incidentally, my weblog was converted to WordPress this past week from MovableType. I dragged a friend with me and now his is also. Kudos to the WP team.

    – sparki

  2. I’m running a small ISP and would like to get ideas on how to make better services for my customers. Apart from that I’m a regular reader and FreeBSD, WordPress and Gallery-user

  3. Peasant, I have been resisting asking anyone for a while now as other peoples need seems bigger but if you have no use for them, I’d be very greatful. Also I think I may be about to lose my current email for various reasons.

  4. Sorry we missed each other in SF last week, Matt. Maybe next time. 🙂 Right now I’m working on a new hosting project that would greatly benefit from early Gmail testing, so access to an account would be most helpful. As my way of saying thanks, a free ZeroShock Notebook Sleeve (12-inch or 15-inch sizes) will be donated to the benefactor.

  5. I need a Gmail account so that I can get a “joek” email with it (unless it’s already taken). JoeK is my pseudonym, my artistic signature, my “branding” if you will. I missed getting it when it first came to getting a car license plate. I missed getting it in the early AOL days. I missed getting it in other times and other places. However, I didn’t miss it when it came to an important one: I got JoeK.com. Now comes another something which may (or may not) be important, and so I would like to try to get joek@gmail.com.

    That is my reason, and thank you for listening.

  6. Matt, I am working on a php Project Management system, in the spirit of WordPress, and studying a web app like gmail would be really helpful. Also, I am an avid WordPress user 🙂

  7. How bad is my yahoo address? Save me from it please! Nah, just kidding. I got one from forevergeek.com already. Go with the troop idea from Ryan.

  8. Matt,

    I have a unique knack for breaking software…that is why I’m in the business. I would appreciate an invite to early GMail access so that I can contribute time for a quality release. Thank you.



  9. i would greatly appreciate a gmail account especially since i dont have one now but my roadrunner one which only lets you hold and upload a bit of email. i know i can get a free hotmail one, but i heard they (and yahoo) are really bad and i always send out my email so i end up getting more mail than i can handle. email me at mehr12d@cfl.rr.com