Scavenger Hunt

Nick is doing a scavenger hunt in return for Gmail invites. I’ve got a few extra invites now too. Interesting offers considered. I’ll throw in a free copy of WordPress. UPDATE: If you just email asking for an invite, you will be immediately deleted. Leave a comment with your interesting offer.

21 thoughts on “Scavenger Hunt

  1. ” I’ve got a few extra invites now too.”

    Well, I’ll take one if you throw in a free copy of WordPress *and* a free copy of Firebird.


  2. I’m pathetic, I have nothing to give you other than continue to spread the good word about WordPress. I would be extremely grateful for an invite if.

  3. Matt, tell me why I want a g-mail account and why is it such a big deal? Also, why didn’t I get an invite? I paid to use blogger for several years and I still have my account, even though I switch to the much superior WordPress. I know you can’t answer all these questions, still you’re so smart I thought it was worth a shot ;o)

  4. I’ll make you a charter contributor (and, if you’d want to, a technical guy too) at MusicVoices. MusicVoices is going to be an instrumental/choral music community site, where celebrities from all over the band, orchestra, and choir worlds will write articles about musical experiences, pedagogical insights, tips and techniques, or anything else. All the articles by a particular person will be readable in a blogesque format, there will be archives based on instrument/section, subject matter, and target audience, and the front page will feature two or three of the best articles each week, the most recently written articles, etc. Hopefully it will become active and popular enough to serve as an online cross-section of what’s on the music universe’s mind.

    Since you’re probably the biggest tech-world celebrity who’s also an active instrumentalist, your presence and contributions would be appropriate and more than welcome. šŸ™‚

    Dev is in pre-alpha right now, but testing should begin in the next week or two. Lemme know if you’re interested!

    -Lanny Heidbreder

  5. I’ll e-mail you a copy of my thesis, Content Management for Journalism Websites, complete with the accompanying PHP/MySQL CMS I developed. Why would you want it? As an example of how you can get away with awful code and simplistic documentation when your supervising professor isn’t technically inclined.

  6. Raising my hand. I would *love* to have an invite. Just a nice little one. You know, no big deal. I have a now frozen box full of Big Pink Cookies and some wedding CDs I could share with you. What, you have had those already? But weren’t they good? Don’t you want more?

  7. I’ll design a thoughtful and achingly haunting interpretive dance about WordPress and then promise to never perform it. Truly this is a kindness.

  8. Sushubh, I would like an invite but I am trying to think of things to offer… I am an accountant with limited geek skills, so all I could offer is free basic CSS designs for the wordpress community, willingness to burn CD’s of music, photgraphs of Europe, and other boring stuff.