Ask MetaFilter

This Ask MetaFilter thread on blogware gives WordPress surprisingly little love. There’s not much substantive there, but it’s interesting to see how a subset of the MF audience reacted to the question. (Metafilter registration is still closed, so if you want to add to that thread you can’t.)

2 thoughts on “Ask MetaFilter

  1. err…
    I’ll assume most of the comments have been added afterward, because as i see it now, that thread gives WP a *lot* of love. Granted, the whole thread has nearly no substance whatsoever (in one direction or another), but if you do a quick breakdown, you got:

    – 1 neutral answer.
    – 2 haters including one who gives the ever useless completely-missed-the-spot answer (i.e.: “- what do you guys recommend: a), b) or c) ?” ” – I recommend d), without a doubt, even though it’s obvious you’re looking for free software and d) is not” ).
    – Anil trying to plug his company’s soft (even with a public disclosure, this is still a bit pathetic, imho). Not offering more than “I recommend it” as a reason.


    – 1, 2, 3, 4 pro-WP comments. All of them slightly more articulate than the remainder (though more could be done)

    So let’s not be dramatic :), WP is shown some love…