WordPress and the plugin I blogged about the other day are mentioned in the News.com article Microsoft flip-flop may signal blog clog. I believe this is the first time WP has been mentioned by them. Thanks to Son for writing in about this.
WordPress and the plugin I blogged about the other day are mentioned in the News.com article Microsoft flip-flop may signal blog clog. I believe this is the first time WP has been mentioned by them. Thanks to Son for writing in about this.
It was at the end of a long article, but I bet that’s going to stir the pot a bit 😉
Have you seen Linux Journal magazine this month? WordPress is mentioned on the front page, and they have a full article inside devoted to it.
You know, I read that article before I saw your post on it and never saw that WP reference…
You are right about it being the first time News.com has referenced WP. If you search them, that’s the only article that shows up.