Boston Meetup

I’m going to be in Boston for the WordPress meetup this month. My plan is to hit every city that has one eventually. πŸ™‚ Free copies of WP to anyone who shows up, and I’ll bring stickers too.

21 thoughts on “Boston Meetup

  1. To be honest it’s just building itself up, but I’m sure we’ll get more people involved in the near future. I guess we can go on a rampage sometime around when 1.3 gets released πŸ™‚

  2. well BC! How does this sound Matt – RedHat earlier this year did a world tour of sorts I think where they went to all the main cities in something like 20 days yada yada…how about do something like this with WP, Matt. Then when ya get to Aussie, a BBQ will be waiting and we will all knock the froth off a couple with ya eh? πŸ˜‰