Leaving AIM On

I accidentally left AIM on my laptop at the office this weekend and I didn’t get a chance to come up here to turn it off. Now there are 33 open message windows from people who IMed me, probably all thinking I ignored them. One interesting note, when this many windows are blinking XP has a noticable delay between them, it’s almost like running lights.

5 thoughts on “Leaving AIM On

  1. I’m sure that could be classed as some form of social experiment. Or a test – how many AIM windows does it take to kill XP (ok not a test, a bad joke maybe?? “I don’t know, how many AIM windows does it….”)

  2. If you log into AIM from a different location, the system will send you a message alerting you to the fact that you have another connection open. You can reply with a simple “1” as the message text, and it will terminate the other connection.

  3. Wow, I always ignore that “you are signed in at X locations” message, didn’t know you could axe the other connection like that. Tres cool.

  4. “très”… and that was really confusing for me! which laptop do you have open at home, and which at work? i figure that, if i can see if you can do an audio chat, you are on a mac, which means that you are at… (work has apple? home has apple?)

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