Mac Attack

Forget the Mac triumvirate, I’ve got a new photo up reminding you to Think Different, just like everyone else in San Francisco. 🙂

6 thoughts on “Mac Attack

  1. We San Franciscans are a crazy bunch, half in love with death, half in love with creating landmarks out of ordinary civic instutions like Bridges and forms of transporation (cable cars).

    “Think Cult” (Can you be a Mac lover and a Christian at the same time?)

    BTW nice apartment in the Photo, Matt! I passed by it yesterday (I think, it’s on the corner of 3rd & Folsom, no?).

    Who’s the guy on the far right on the Triumvirate picture?

  2. “Think secure.” I can’t help but believe that a measurable jump in Apple business must result from the increasingly absurd lows to which Windows security has sunk. Besides, the Powerbooks are the best Macs around. Competitively priced, exquisitely engineered and they run Mac OS X, the most lickable Unix variant. What’s to hate? (Confessed powerbook user here.)