Phat FAT

Fade Anything Technique gives you the smooth “yellow fade” popularized by the 37 Signals crew. Check out this technique as well. We should roll one of these into WordPress, I can think of several situations where it’d be useful.

11 thoughts on “Phat FAT

  1. Even just on the Dashboard to indicate recent new posts and comments.

    However many of the points in Mathias’s comment above already have an indicator – the blue box. Its a nice effect either way tho.

  2. His commenting system is slick. AJAX + FAT. You just click submit and the comment instantly appears and fades from yellow to the normal color. Nicely done.

    The FAT thing is ridiculously easy… I just implemented it for my “recently updated” box on my blog’s front page.

  3. There is a major deficiency with the new fade anything technique, by allowing to fade multiple objects.

    This is going against the original purpose for it, which would bring focus to one important item which would attract the eye. Now that there are multiple, each attracts the eye, thus nullifying the effect and reducing the importance of each.

  4. Jeff: You’re pretty much right on.

    However, I felt there might be circumstances where Ajax updates two elements on the page. That is the original motivation behind such a technique — spotlighting things that have changed through an Ajax transaction.

    Since I was simply releasing a generic library… I wanted it to be as flexible as possible without imposing any of my own principles upon its use. If you check out all the comments, you’ll see that alot of people have actually adapted it in completely original and unexpected ways, such as fading hover-overs on links, etc.

    Matt: Thanks for the link-up, I’d love to see a wordpress implementation.

  5. I use the FAT in combination with the smart unread comments plugin to highlight links to the freshest comments.

    I think that it would be much more useful inside the admin panels though…

    Like “X items in moderation” in the dashboard for example, that’s very hard to see right now.

  6. Hi! Looking for a way to submit comment with Ajax. Think I’ve found a nice solution here. Testing… Thanks for the nice work.