Dave Matthews Stand Up

“Crash into me…” If you buy the new Dave Matthews Band Stand Up CD, do not put it in your Windows computer. I did and it popped up an annoying software installation and I said no to it just like I did 9 years ago when I first saw that happen with Fiona Apple’s Tidal. It then ejected the CD. First strike! I just wanted to listen to it. So I did the logical thing and pushed the CD drive back in, and the CD spun up and then the computer crashed and rebooted. Needless to say, this is a very bad thing.

113 thoughts on “Dave Matthews Stand Up

  1. This is a convincing argument to turn autoplay off, though – and the reason why I have. Ethically it’s horrible, but afaik it’s perfectly legal.

    @Phil: It’s not really false advertising, though, since it’s still a CD (just not a purely audio one). CDs that actually violate the CD specification (such as those with copy protection that deliberately introduces errors in between the tracks and whatnot) cannot legally have the compact disc logo on them.

  2. rob: DOES the CD have the Compact Disc logo? Most that have tech similar to what Matt describes do not have that logo. It’ll have the “Enhanced CD” logo, or some such.

    matt: Take it back. Seriously. The publisher decided not to let you have your fair use rights.

    Either that, or hold down “Shift” to stop autoplay — or whatever the Mac equivalent is.

  3. I don’t see a CD logo anywhere. After the reboot I was able to play it in iTunes, but this is definitely one I’m just going to rip and put on the shelf.

  4. I’m sorry you had problems with the CD. None-the-less, it was a different spin for the band, with very much Adult Alternative style. Not nearly as good as they were back in the day jamming, but I still love this album (too many negative reviewers that haven’t noticed that the band enjoyed making this album, it was something that they did for themselves).

  5. Auk sure why would you be being a Dave Matthews CD for anyway? Zing!

    Seriously, this is part of a much larger problem: the zealousness of corporate America.

  6. I don’t think that the CD meets the CD Spec, but I could be wrong. If you read the DUALDISC cd note inside I think they mention that they had to violate it to get both DVD and CD content on the same disc (albeit different sides). However, this is only if you have the DUALDISC version of this album. It’s the one I have, but I can’t say I’ve tried to put it in my Windows PC. Of course, I could be totally wrong and then this is all just hogwash.

  7. Ugh. I can’t stand those enhanced CDs. I remember thinking they were super cool when I was like 12… but now, it’s just a terrible annoyance.

  8. Anthony, would you be referring to Dave? Well he greatly supports the release of his live concert stuff (a.k.a. bootlegs) to be released to the masses without any exchange of money or that sort. A great place to get live stuff would be from (like you mentioned, p2p) aswell as the huge Ants Marching Community.

  9. Aaron, it’s not that good. Sounds vastly different from previous albums and is overall a big ‘meh’ in my book. Stick to live albums the band put out and you should be ok.

  10. I remember back in 1997, when Dave Matthews still released the music as free MP3s, just as I did. While Dave has crappy software installations on his CD, my music is still free to download.

    On the other hand, I’m still poor, while Dave is probably not. =)

  11. Just listened to the album myself (I also ripped it fine). First listen it sounded pretty relaxing. Not like their older stuff, but still good.

  12. Hold down shift & stick in cd.
    Disables autorun for that cd.

    I never knew this. Thanks!

    Incidentally, the best Enhanced CD I’ve ever seen was the second disc of Jars of Clay’s Who We Are Instead. It was basically an official fansite on CD, complete with desktop wallpapers, AIM icons, behind-the-scenes features, and MP3s (including MP3 versions of the two songs on the audio portion of the disc). Very, very nice.

  13. I bought the “DualDisc” version (DVD one side, audio on the other) and nothing popped up on my XP machine. I did notice, however, that Windows Media Player would not burn the last three songs. There’s a notice on the packaging that says “Not guaranteed to work in all CD players.” I suppose that’s the deal.

    At any rate, I dig the music, particularly track six (Smooth Rider) and the single American Baby.

  14. There is the arcane magic of ‘Holding-the-shift-key-when-you-put-the-cd-in-ism’ that combats all of these music industry virii. Of course if one of them is already on your comp I suppose its not much help

  15. This is a convincing argument to turn autoplay off, though – and the reason why I have. Ethically it’s horrible, but afaik it’s perfectly legal.

    Ethically, it’s horrible? Eh…I have it configured so that nothing happens when I put any CD in my CD drive (unless it’s a blank CD – when I put in a blank CD, I usually fire up the CD burning software anyways)…I hope my moral standards aren’t going to the dumps 😉

  16. I bought the DualDisc version for my wife, a hopeless DMB fanatic. It wouldn’t even spin up in my PC at home. I have an internal 8x NEC dual-layer DVD burner at home. At work, I have an external Lacie/NEC 16x dual-layer burner. It recognized the disc fine in iTunes, but it would only rip at 1.5x. weird.

  17. Get a Mac ““ all problems fixed. The only CD I’ve never been able to rip is Queen of the Stone Age’s Songs for the Deaf, but there were already mp3’s floating around. the only CD i’ve never been able to rip. but seriously, get a Mac. Not one window or dialog box even appeared. To install the software on Mac, you had to open up the contents of the disc, so it’s not an issue. oh yeah, get a Mac. 😉

  18. I have a Mac! I was at work though, so decided to play it on the PC with speakers. My Powerbook speakers are pretty unsatisfactory.

  19. I would buy all DMB’s music from ITunes but I cannot find any of it on there. The ITunes search sucks bad but from what I see they do not carry any Dave.

  20. guys..here is how to get those songs on your ipod or burn cds of the new dave matthews album. This is a direct reply from the copyright company that did the protection for this cd simply follow the directions accordingly. hope this helps…..

    Thank you for contacting us, Brian. We appreciate your purchase of the Dave Matthews Band CD and are happy to assist you.

    Please follow the instructions below in order to move your content into iTunes and onto an iPod:

    If you have a Mac computer you can copy the songs using your iTunes Player as you would normally do.

    If you have a PC place the CD into your computer and allow the CD to automatically start. If the CD does not automatically start, open your Windows Explorer, locate the drive letter for your CD drive and double-click on the LaunchCD.exe file located on your CD.

    Once the application has been launched and the End User License Agreement has been accepted, you can click the Copy Songs button on the top menu.

    Follow the instructions to copy the secure Windows Media Files (WMA) to your PC. Make a note of where you are copying the songs to, you will need to get to these secure Windows Media Files in the next steps.

    Once the WMA files are on your PC you can open and listen to the songs with Windows Media Player 9.0 or higher. You may also play them in any compatible player that can play secure Windows Media files, such as MusicMatch, RealPlayer, and Winamp, but it will require that you obtain a license to do so. To obtain this license, from the Welcome Screen of the user interface, click on the link below the album art that says If your music does not play in your preferred player, click here. Follow the instructions to download the alternate license.

    Using Windows Media Player only, you can then burn the songs to a CD. Please note that in order to burn the files, you need to upgrade to or already have Windows Media Player 9 or greater.

    Once the CD has been burned, place the copied CD back into your computer and open iTunes. iTunes can now rip the songs as you would a normal CD.

    Please note an easier and more acceptable solution requires cooperation from Apple, who we have already reached out to in hopes of addressing this issue. To help speed this effort, we ask that you use the following link to contact Apple and ask them to provide a solution that would easily allow you to move content from protected CDs into iTunes or onto your iPod rather than having to go through the additional steps above. http://www.apple.com/feedback/ipod.html

  21. Ok. Ive been listening to Dave Matthews for many years now. I own all albums…yes including this really poor quality cd Stand Up. Its not for the band…whoever thinks that Dave and his band wrote the music for just the band is kidding themselves. Unfortuneately one song is a little more political than dave has ever written. Bombs exploding in the beginning isnt very comforting. Thats just a little thing. The rest of the cd has been totally written for mainstream listeners who at one point in time thought that N Sync would actually last.
    Its too much pop and not enough jazz. It doesn’t even flow. The songs are poorly written. The lyrics are sophmoric. I love Dave….but my God was I disappointed that he decided to give his music to the hands of the people who listen to him. Its all for commercial advertising and what will sound good for this years summer movie. May God forgive Dave and all the people who listen to the damn CD.

  22. On my PC when i say accept to the license agreement I get an error “CD3 Launch Error 00201 1F-00000002” and then i can’t play it with anything on my PC. Any ideas?

  23. DMB’s new album is pretty good in my opinion. There’s actually alot of interesting musical ideas that flow throughout the music. I play percussion and can recognize the difficult playing and odd beats. Also, it goes from an organic sound to more of a modern sound with samples and such.

    Sorry the album doesn’t sound like your favorite DMB album before. But there’s a thing called change, and I guess Dave wanted it.

    Oh, and DRM is the worst thing since IE.

  24. ‘Follow the instructions to copy the secure Windows Media Files (WMA) to your PC’

    this is their answer? use our proprietary software to translate the music you just bought into a ‘secure’ (ie DRM-crippled) version which can’t be used on the majority of media players available? then once this is done, they want us to burn ANOTHER cd and then rip that one into ITunes? do they really expect us to believe that the reason we put our OWN music on our computer to listen to is that Apple won’t cooperate, rather than because they’ve installed DRM?


  25. i received the album the other day, popped it into my windows box, listened to it, made a backup copy, and popped it back in its case and onto the cd rack. i’m not quite sure what your problem is, but it’s not the cd.

  26. “would you be referring to Dave? Well he greatly supports the release of his live concert stuff (a.k.a. bootlegs) to be released to the masses without any exchange of money or that sort. A great place to get live stuff”

    Yeah right, as in the same Dave Matthews that asked the Internet Archive to take their music out of the archive? I’m afraid I stopped listening after a year ago I bought a CD that was copy protected that I couldn’t rip and had to take back to the CD store. No thanks! I just submitted the story to boing boing by the way where it was accepted and should send in a lot of traffic.

    It would be nice to see Dave take less of an adversarial position with his fans, or in my case, former fan.

  27. buying it from iTunes is not a solution to this problem.
    it’s still DRM ridden, and what the hell can you listen to it on besides iTunes or an iPod?
    oh, thats right.. NOTHING. 😛

    CDs from a store should work. period.

    I’d like to note that my CD drive stoped working properly after putting my copy of Stand Up in it, but it could totally be coincidental.

  28. “If you have a Mac computer you can copy the songs using your iTunes Player as you would normally do.”

    That’s hilarious that this record company guy recognizes that if you’re using a Mac you can rip the CD without any DRM or hacks and then he turns around and blames *Apple* for making it complicated on Windows.


  29. In response to message #41…

    Actually, if you buy it on iTunes, you can then burn it to a CD. (regular cd, no monkey business.)

    So there’s DRM, but it’s arguably the least evil version out there.

  30. I was able to import it into iTunes on my Mac with no problems. Unfortunately this CD makes “Everyday” sound like a masterpiece. This is by far DMB’s worst album ever.

  31. In response to message #44

    Burning it to CD or not, you can’t listen to the files you bought on iTunes without iTunes or an iPod.

    Still, lossy iTunes is NOT the solution to RCAs shitty DRM practices and anti-piracy fantasy.
    Audio CDs should NOT need system requirements.

  32. Anyone who leaves AutoRun enabled and runs any arbitrary code that the author of a CD decides to put on it deserves to have their hard drive reformatted. Learn some basic security, and don’t trust record companies with your computer’s security.

    At the same time, anyone whose DRM depends on you leaving this feature enabled deserves to have their music BT’d all over the net and never see a dime. Treat your fans like fans, not criminals. Music sharing *increases* sales.

  33. In response to #40. Just stick it in. It will play just fine. I ripped the whole schmear to .OGG with Grip – put it on my player – stuck the cd on the shelf.

    Bite me Window$.

  34. I got the dualdisc version and didn’t have any issues with it – I’ve ripped it onto my home and work PC (both xp pro) and burned a copy of it as well. Haven’t watched the dvd side yet, but everything else has worked fine.

  35. What iTunes DRM?


    Removes all DRM from songs purchased from the iTunes Music Store without re-encoding, so there’s no loss of quality. Any device that can play AAC can then play the files. It’s also possible to convert them to any other format at this point, such as MP3, etc.

  36. Don’t know why you are all complaining about CDs and the technology,… cassette tapes is where it is at. That is until they bring back the 8-track.

  37. Nice you finally get this in the USA.

    I think the instructions on how to rip this CD are not the point here. Of course everyone can rip this CD one way or another.

    The point is that by copying you *own* CD for your *own* personal use you have to break the law.

    If you spend money on such a CD you signal to the record company that you accept losing your rights to personal copies. You should not do this. Instead only buy crippled CDs in a way that the record companies do not get any money for them. Even if you’re a fan: Delay the purchase and buy it used on ebay half a year later.

    Unless of course you want to give up your right to copy CDs you bought onto other devices forever.

  38. At Best Buy where I live, the CD had a sticker on it that said something to the effect of “Warning: This CD does not conform to the compact disc standard and may not play on some CD Players or Computers” – Reading the sticker on the cd that said it may not play on cd players, while surreal, was at least informative.

    I set it back down, bought the new weezer cd instead, and left it behind. I didn’t really like Everyday or Busted Stuff, and have just sorta figured they sputtered out. It’s going to be very hard for them to prove to me otherwise since I wont be buying their mutant cd-wannabes.

  39. This also happened with a copy of Kings Of Leon’s new album, Aha Shake Heartbreak. Same sequence of events. Pop in Windows PC, warning comes up, cancel and eject. Pop disc back in and attempt to cancel, computer re-started.

    Put disc in my Mac running OS 8.6, computer promptly ignores everything but music.

  40. *sigh* it had to happen sooner or later. DMB has been late to the tech party (see: itunes) in recent years, which was suprising seeing how the internet helped to facilitate their early growth (minarets list, nancies list, 94 – 98 era).

    This seems to point to a larger problem that most artists just don’t get this stuff. Until you get a word of mouth going amongst artists and artist channels about how this is bad business, you’re not going to see artists with clout push for its removal. Instead, the opposite is happening. Weasely lawyers from record labels are scaring bands into beliving the big bad internet is going to take away all their revenues (which the band doesn’t see any of anyway).

    The more DRM methods they come up with, the more people are going to find ways to hack it. Even if it’s a program that records the audio stream into a new file. Pain in the backside? yes. But it already exists for Mac (and I’m sure for Windows). And I’ve used it on real audio streams before.

    Note: with Velvet Revolver’s CD there was something similar to this, but the mac didn’t recognize it at all and treated it like a regular CD with a data portion. Ripped fine into iTunes. Anyone on a Mac tried this out? I just bought it from iTunes to begin with, so no CD for me.

    Thanks for pointing this out Matt.

  41. Forget iTunes and that horrid business model… go to allofmp3.com and pay 17 cents a song legally for 320 kbps mp3s.

  42. I’m afraid I stopped listening after a year ago I bought a CD that was copy protected that I couldn’t rip and had to take back to the CD store. No thanks!

    DMB has never released a copy protected album before. But thanks for playing.

  43. Well this is great. I’ve been buying certain CDs from the States because the Australian versions have this DRM crap on them, (I’ve bought one of them when this was starting, just to see how it worked. It’s lame.) and now it seems you guys are copping it. At least consumer advocacy in the US seems to be more active than here.

    (Not that I care much for the DMB, but that’s not the point…)

    Let’s get this clear: the ones I’m talking about are not Enhanced CDs, they don’t adhere to the Blue Book protocol (Red Book’s the one for vanilla CDs), which is why you won’t see either the “Compact Disc” or the “Enhanced CD” logos on the packaging. It has a bit to do with why they stuff up on some car CD players or portable disc players with antishock, as some copy-protection schemes deliberately corrupt the CDs.

    The other fun thing is, that the bitrate of the WMAs can often reduced to make the files fit on the remaining data portion of the coaster, so the longer the album, the lower the bitrate on the files.

    Of course the joke is that the DRM doesn’t even that effect, as these are pretty trivial to rip with the right program. It’s just inconvenient.

  44. 1. Disable autoplay by pressing SHIFT when inserting the CD or better, disable it:
    – Run the “Registry Editor” (“Start | Run | regedit | ENTER”)
    – Select “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\CdRom”
    – Double-click on “Autorun”
    – Change the value from “1” to “0”

    2. Launch your CD copy program. Any decent one has a “session explorer” tool. Go for it.

    3. You’ll see a data session (the one with overcompressed, DRMed music that only Windows users can read) and an audio session. Go into the audio session; rip all tracks to WAV files.

    4. Burn the WAV files to a CDR.

    5. Enjoy your pristine, DRM-less CD, then report to the nearest federal prison (if you’re in the U.S.)

  45. I bought the dual-disc version of Stand Up as well. I just did the infamous Shift-key trick when I inserted the CD – fired up EAC, and it ripped perfectly. 192kbps unprotected m4a files…

  46. My problem that I ran into was when I tried to rip the cd in iTunes to put it on my iPod, the songs all skipped like crazy. I couldn’t even play the cd through iTunes without the stuff skipping. When I let it run its stupid little program, it let me copy the songs onto my hard drive, but they were downloaded in “Protected WMA” format and so I couldn’t even put those into iTunes. I eventually went and used my Mac at work to rip the cd, worked just great. Copy protection sucks, it makes it harder for the individual person to fairly use the stuff they bought.

  47. re Graham’s comment about Australia, we’re still technically not allowed to copy music like in the US for, what’s it called? Like for personal use. Ie even copying a cd for my car so I don’t destroy the original is techically illegal. Doesn’t mean we don’t do it, because I’d rather burn a few cds than destroy my originals (poor john butler trio, my original is stuff but my copy is dancing along)

  48. Many copy protection schemes work based on a multi session disk (and/or bad sectors)

    You can come by those things by “marking” the outer most part of the CD with a felt pen (so that upon sticking the disk in, the drive can’t read the second partition)

    You will have to look at the cd in sunlight or other good light source, so you can see the tracks on the disk – then count and compare to the song list on the label *gg*

    The inconvenience is already there – cant use CDs as supposed. But using old Macs and old SCSI CD-Drives, things have never turned me down so far. And to be honest: my 900$ SONY CD-Player sometimes takes 20seks to load a normal audio cd – when I burn a copy on the mac, this very CD loads just in a second… standard audio player… not to speak of car players et al

  49. DMB put up a “how-to” on getting around their DRM-ified disk: http://whsec1.davematthewsband.com/news/news_special_IPod.asp

    MTV.com article: http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1502527/20050518/dave_matthews_band.jhtml?headlines=true

    Stand Up, Dave Matthews Band’s latest release, opens as Billboard’s #1 with first-week sales of close to 465,000, according to the latest SoundScan figures. While it’s only the third-best debut showing for the Virginia-based jam band (2002’s Busted Stuff netted first-week scans just shy of 622,000 while 2001’s Everyday achieved week-one sales of nearly 733,000), Stand Up has earned the distinction of being 2005’s best-performing rock record.

    Hmmm. 300,000 units less than their Everyday album, 100,000 units + off Busted Stuff. Wonder how much of that is due to them releasing a CD that doesn’t work.

  50. None of the programs I’ve been trying will touch the first three tracks and take about an hour to rip all the other tracks. This was not worth the money. I tried the CD in a stereo and they all work fine.

  51. Just got the stand up cd a couple days ago, I have had to force myself to listen to the whole thing…. I’ve been a dmb fan since they started and am really disappointed in them. By far this is the worst cd they have ever produced”¦ Im not really sure why they are so proud of the producer they used, if I wanted to listen to 50 cent I would have bought his cd”¦.. this will be the first year I’m not going to see them in concert”¦. Please Dave on your next cd go back to using STEVE LILYWHITE”¦”¦ the chemistry was unbelievable”¦

  52. I just put it in my computer… I didn’t have any problems to pass the songs to my ipod, no software install, etc anything…. and The music is great.

  53. Pingback: Blog Dog
  54. It used to be when I was driving to work and put in a DMB disc, it was like there was a party in my car. With the last couple studio albums, it sounds more like a funeral.


  55. Re: Comment 71

    Although I agree dbpoweramp is a good porgram, I hope you’re aware that you gain nothing (in fact you lose quality) by converting 128Kbps AAC’s downlowded from iTunes to 320Kbps MP3’s. Both AAC & MP3 are lossy formats, and converting from one to the other (even at a higher bitrate) lowers the quality every time. Once audio is converted to a lossy format, it’s impossible to regain what has been dropped (too much entropy, etc.). Even if you expanded it to a WAV, you can’t return what has been taken (the WAV would have the same quality as the AAC, much less than the original but the file size would be similar to the original WAV). So in your case, going from a 128Kbps lossy format to 320Kbps format simply lowers the quality and increases the space required to store the file. There are lossless formats such as Shorten (SHN) or FLAC; they are no where near as small as MP3 or AAC (both FLAC & SHN end up roughly 1/2 the size of the original WAV). What they do allow is for you to go back & forth between SHN/FLAC &WAV ad nosium without losing any quality. Lossless formats are generally what music traders insist upon, if you’d like to learn more check out etree.org.

  56. “It would be nice to see Dave take less of an adversarial position with his fans, or in my case, former fan.”

    Dave has nothing to do with the financial affairs of the band. If you want to blame someone, blame Mr. Capshaw, the band’s manager. The only aspect of DMB that DMB has full complete control over is to let tapers in the venues and complete control on what goes on the albums.

    For those who criticize this album, remember when Before These Crowded Streets came out? Vastly criticized and many left the fanbase because of it and have not returned since. If anyone of you bothered to see the streaming performance on AOL of the Roseland show, these songs are much better live than on the CD; but when isn’t anything better live?

    And DMB will never work with Steve Lillywhite ever again. Whily Lillywhite may be a great producer, the strain her put on DMB mentally and physically caused the band to abandon working with Lillywhite ever again. Look for Daniel Lanois to produce the next album. In my opinion, Lanois is a much better producer than Lillywhite.

  57. The record industry has no idea how it has just shot itself in the foot with this one. I will never buy another CD with this protection code on it. They have opened up a market for artists and companies to market unrestricted CD’s maybe it will also mark the end of ASCAP, RIAA & BMI. Hopefully it will bring back the loca record store and leave mass marketed junk to Best Buys and WalMart.

  58. Can someone give me a clue as to what to do with this piece of sh*t???
    I did what I was supposed to do: being that I operate a Windows machine…I put the CD in, accepted the agreement, and now I am just hung up on some black screen with E:\index.hta as the title…and nothing…it just sits there. Am I doing something wrong? Or is my crime just using Windows? Someone help me out before I throw something through my window(s)!

  59. Definately do not let this CD automatically run. My girlfriend’s laptop has not ran ever since she let it do so. We’re getting atapi and service control manager errors before the windows blue screen appears and then shuts down the laptop. These errors were not present in the system event log until the CD automatically ran. I’m still in the process of trying to fix the laptop. If anyone has had this same problem and found a fix, then please post.

  60. the fix is in this paper.

    Start with a Windows 2000/XP system with empty CD drives.

    1. Click the Start button and select Control Panel from the Start Menu.
    2. Double-click on the System control panel icon.
    3. Select the Hardware tab and click the Device Manager button.
    4. Configure Device Manager by clicking “Show hidden devices” and “Devices by connection,” both from the View menu.
    5. Insert the Anthony Hamilton CD into the computer and allow the SunnComm software to start. If MediaMax has never been started before on the same computer, the SbcpHid driver should appear on the list for the first time. However, on some systems Windows needs to be rebooted before the driver becomes visible.

    At this point you can attempt to copy tracks from the CD with applications like MusicMatch Jukebox or Windows Media Player. Copies made while the driver is active will sound badly garbled, as in this 9-second clip [10].

    Next, follow these additional steps to disable MediaMax:

    1. Select the SbcpHid driver from the Device Manager list and click “Properties” from the Action Menu.
    2. Click the Driver tab and click the Stop button to disable the driver.
    3. Set the Startup Type to “Disabled” using the dropdown list.

    With the driver stopped, you can verify that the same applications copy every track successfully. Setting the Startup Type to disabled prevents MediaMax from restarting when the computer is rebooted. It will remain deactivated until LaunchCD.exe is allowed to run again.

    Equivalently, executing the following commands from the Command Prompt will deactivate MediaMax:

    net stop sbcphid
    del %systemroot%\system32\drivers\sbcphid.sys

  61. Thanks for the information guys. I have been a DMB fan for about 12 years, but this album is not as good as the others, and the CD causes my computer to bluescreen. They are amazing live, but I do not think I will ever buy another of their albums.

  62. Here’s the fix I’ve come up with after an evening of frustration and no help. The reason I did this was when I originally went through all of this crap they told me I’d have to delete my drm database. There was a warning on the Microsoft you might have to re-aquire or PURCHASE new licenses. The instructions below will let you do everything like normal but make sure you open the audio CD from within your player. If you double-click the CD after it’s in it’ll install the software again. I do not condone pirating music, but I do support being able to LISTEN to it.

    *** WIN XP ***

    – Run the “Registry Editor” (Start | Run | regedit | ENTER)
    – Select HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\CdRom
    – Double-click on “Autorun”
    – Change the value from “1” to “0”

    – Open “Device Manager”
    – Expand “DVD/CD-ROM drives”
    – Highlight the drive you play your audio CD’s in
    – Right click it and select “Properties”
    – Click on the “Properties” tab
    – Turn off the “Enable digital CD audio for this CD-ROM device”
    – Click “OK”

    You should now be able to open up whatever media player you wantm and listen/rip for your portable players like normal.

    Remove the protection information

    – Run the “Registry Editor” (Start | Run | regedit | ENTER)
    – Select HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\SbcpHid
    – Highlight “SbcpHid” and hit delete to remove the entry
    – Reboot your computer
    – Search for a file called ‘SbcpHid” and delete the file. It will most likely be located under “C:\WINNT\system32\Drivers\SbcpHid.sys”

  63. F$%K DAVE MATTHEWS. I am a die hard fan, but this is uncacceptable. Computer blue screens and lost data are not acceptable under ANY circumstances.

    I will start a web site http://www.davematthewsbandbluescreen.com. Please watch for it. I am contacting lawyers now to begin a class action suit.

    The suit is due to lost computer data. Possible corruption of the Operating System. And other issues.

    Dave your music sucks since Crash. You have lost a die hard fan for ever. All because of a CD that sucks that noone would copy anyway.

    I hope you CRASH and go broke. Boycott DMB’s music and concerts. Let them know this is unacceptable!!!

  64. Thanks for the fixes, i’ll try them and cross my fingers that it fixes my computer. I bought the DMB CD hoping it would be a good listen but i found only MAYBE 2 songs that were worth listening to more than once. It definitly has a slow, lazy, fall asleep vibe to it. The CD has screwed my CD/DVD drive so now i can’t play anything in this drive (but the DMB CD) without crashing the computer. I hope DMB knows how pissed off their fans are and what a waste of money the CD turned out to be. What happened to the ‘Crash’ and ‘Under The Table’ days??

  65. Ok, Has anyone here successfully returned this dual CD/DVD to Best Buy and Exchanged it for the CD Version? The cd will not play in my new Sony DVD player/burner… and I have tried everything to rip the CD portion to MP3 using EAC/Lame. That security dll is NOT on my computer and the program that is supposed to be installed when autorun is enabled is not running on my pc… but when I listen to the MP3’s… they are garbled at times like the tracks are scratched.

    Anyhow, tried to return the dual disk to Best Buy and they would not let me get the regular/less cost cd version in exchange for the dual disk. They told me it had to be the same exact disk, I told them it is called the same thing, has the same songs, but has bonus tracks… plus it costs less and I don’t give a rats ass about a refund… I just want a cd I can rip to my ipod to listen to… but they refused. I even called corporate… and they disconnected me after a while… then I sent an e-mail with a long story and this was there response:

    “Thank you for contacting Best Buy about your CD/DVD purchase and
    experience with one of our stores. I’m Rex with Customer Care.

    We apologize for any frustration and inconvenience caused by the level
    of service you experienced with our West Dundee store, due in part to
    our return and exchange policy. Best Buy takes great pride in providing
    a quality experience for our customers, and we value receiving your
    comments so we may use this feedback to improve the shopping and service
    experiences for all our customers.

    Thank you for sharing your comments with Best Buy. Please don’t
    hesitate to contact us with additional questions or concerns.”

    Needless to say, I’m never shopping there again and never buying another one of these dual discs. Dave can choke on his cash for screwing us over by this… and it hurt that he was such a outspoken supporter of John Kerry too… I’m so mad, I might sell my summer concert tickets.


  66. where’s the best place to add how disenchanhted you are with this group. A legal customer with a purcahsed cd unable to listen to it at work cause our copmuters are locked daown. Guess they don’t need my money! Walmart refunded me my money.


  67. Your ticket 017198 has been Answered

    Thank you for contacting us Jeff. We appreciate your purchase of thie Dave Matthews Band CD and apologize for any


    The software on this disc is only directly compatible with specific secure formats and portable devices as detailed on the back of the CD packaging as well in the interface on the disc.

    That said, there is still a way to get content onto portable devices that are not directly compatible with the disc at this time. Please follow the instructions below in order to do so:

    If you have a Mac computer you can copy the songs using your standard media player as you would normally do.

    If you have a PC place the CD into your computer and allow the CD to automatically start. If the CD does not automatically start, open your Windows Explorer, locate the drive letter for your CD drive and double-click on the LaunchCD.exe file located on your CD.

    Once the application has been launched and the End User License Agreement has been accepted, you click the Copy Songs button /icon.

    Follow the instructions to copy the secure Windows Media Files (WMA) to your PC. Make a note of where you are copying the songs to, you will need to get to these secure Windows Media Files in the next steps.

    Once the WMA files are on your PC you can open and listen to the songs with Windows Media Player 9.0 or higher or any compatible player that can play secure Windows Media files, such as MusicMatch, RealPlayer, and Winamp.

    Using any of the compatible players noted above, you can then burn the songs to a CD. Please note that in order to burn the files, you need to upgrade to or already have Windows Media Player 9, MusicMatch 8, or Media Center 10.

    Once the CD has been burned, place the copied CD back into your computer and open the media player you normally use for ripping and transferring files to your portable device. You can now rip the songs as you would a normal CD.

    Please note an easier and more acceptable solution requires cooperation from the various digital rights management and portable device companies. SONY BMG has already reached out to many of the companies in hopes of addressing this issue. To help speed this effort, we ask that you contact your device manufacturer and ask them to provide a solution that would easily allow you to move content from protected CDs onto your device rather than having to go through the additional steps above.

    Please let us know if we can assist you further.

    Thank you,


    SunnComm Tech Support

    CLIENT: ***@***.com
    I want to put my music on to my psp. but i think that the psp can only support mp3s instead of wma

    you can try this, i think it might work.

  68. Management conspiracy?

    That’s the only logical explanation. RedLight Management is decided to kill this band.
    think about it.
    The fan club, “The Warehouse” shamelessly steals money from the fans.
    Annoying catalog of high-priced merchandise on every cd (by the way, all the merch sucks)
    Too many concert cds with the same material. Die-hard fans may be broke.
    Hiring of this junk of producer.
    The smelly bus incident.
    Now, this disrespectfull spyware issue. (I also consider the music on this cd a disrespect. It sucks)
    I propose taking creative signs to the concerts. Let the band know that their managemant will destroy them. Maybe that’s the only way the band address this.

    take a look at this: http://recently.rainweb.net/index.php?hive=805

  69. As with Dave’s previous two CD’s, I suggest you buy “Stand Up” and eat it. You’ll crap out a much better CD than this garbage. Saw them in concert recently too….sounded great as usual, but sound selection was terrible. It’s like they don’t give a damn anymore.

  70. [quote]1. Disable autoplay by pressing SHIFT when inserting the CD or better, disable it:
    – Run the “Registry Editor” (“Start | Run | regedit | ENTER”)
    – Select “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\CdRom”
    – Double-click on “Autorun”
    – Change the value from “1”³ to “0”³

    2. Launch your CD copy program. Any decent one has a “session explorer” tool. Go for it.

    3. You’ll see a data session (the one with overcompressed, DRMed music that only Windows users can read) and an audio session. Go into the audio session; rip all tracks to WAV files.

    4. Burn the WAV files to a CDR.

    5. Enjoy your pristine, DRM-less CD, then report to the nearest federal prison (if you’re in the U.S.)

    Comment by FreeYourCD “” Tuesday May 17, 2005 @ 8:49 am

    Thank you very very much. I’ve been wanting to kill that Windows piece of shit for years now, especially with the new “smart” autoplay in XP. JESUS CHRIST, COMPUTER, LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!

    And I previewed the songs on their website, I liked em, I’ll buy it. The only detractor is this commercial attempt at NAZISM but I think I’ll be okay. I was able to defeat the evil autorun for other albums, I’ll do it for this do.

    My god people, free the music already :O
    If people want to support an artist, they’ll give them money regardless of your piece of shit copy protection

  71. theres a simply way to get around the copyright crap on RCA records, make sure u have teh latest version of itunes and all u have to do is wait til lit laods, and in itune right clock on each song one by one cliking on convert selection to AAC and that gets rid of the copyright hting, it works i did it with velvet revolver’s contraband

  72. Best Album Yet- Listen to it you will realize- and when you do it’s like a smack in the face. Best Yet! Good Job Guys!

  73. I would have to say that the Dave Matthews Band’s new CD is the biggest example of how capitalizm has destroyed music. I have been a huge fan of DMB for years, and Dave Matthews was actually the artist that inspired me to learn how to play guitar. I’ve had respect for him and his music for a long time, but in the past year or two, the music they have been making sounded forced and POP-y (the guns of a corporate media giant breathing down their necks). I borrowed the CD from my library to listen to at home, and I couldn’t even play it in any of my CD players. Then I tried it in my computer and had to deal with all that crap! Needless to say, I have lost all respect that I have ever had for the Dave Matthews Band. This is the TRUE DEFINITION of “SELL OUT!” Things like this make it virtually impossible for anyone with low income to enjoy music from popular musicians. Looks like I will be looking for my music from the streets from now on (where it originally came from, where I play, and where it won’t be exploited).

    This topic also brings up a good question: What kind of value do musicians truely have in our society? At the same time, they are valued as equally as beggars (people playing on the streets for tips) and as superstar figureheads of our society (every popular artist with major record deals, earning millions). Since centuries ago, musicians were considered as low as peasants, while their gift was used to spread information that informed and changed the world (bards). Does the Dave Matthews Band and others like them deserve this kind of celebrity and luxurious life when there are so many musicians out there better than they are?

  74. Amici Forever: Defined also has the MediaMax software on it. It crashed my computer. WinXP SP2. So I used another computer to open the cd that had auto run disabled.


    Has detailed info of what the autorun software does to your computer.

    The CD’s copy protection is no good for me, because I put the music on a household server. That streams music to other computers in the house, also to my PDA. (Which works sort of like a networked IPod)

    After buying the CD, I then have find ways around the copy software to add it to my MP3 library so all my network devices can play it. (Weird, but it would have been easier to download the CD off BitTorrent via thepiratebay.org)

    The other thing is they provide a CD ripping program with their CD, but it doesn’t name the tracks correctly or in the right format.

    It isn’t that hard to get around the software, the only thing it’s doing is annoying people. People who are going to pirate the music, can. The people who buy it, can’t have it in a format we like, without extra work.


  75. i have written to dmbs road crew at thier request to ask them questions.
    i asked them what dmb thinks about being a mule for RCAs virus like DRM.
    I haven gotten no answer.
    the email address is dmbcrew@gmail.com if anyone else cares to ask the same.
    i guess treating fans and customers like sheep really is American, Baby.

  76. ok yeah so ithink that everyone has had the same reaction to daves new CD. “WHAT”?!?!?!? but if you actually think about it if you were to scramble all those songs in with the others then they would definatly mix in. i just think that its a way cool spin on his music… ok so its no Led Zepplin shit but its good. ive recently become a big fan and i defiltly think that its up there with Crash and Some Devil. and guys when your at his concerts, think about it, your in his company……. everyone….. EAT DRINK AND BE MERRY FOR TOMORROW WILL DIE!

  77. Can’t believe nobody has posted this yet but, the DualDisc works fine and is the one that everyone should buy. If the DualDisc does not work in your computer then there is something wrong with your computer. The CD side of the DualDisc is NOT PROTECTED. Also, the DVD side is pretty cool. It’s a good 25 minute or so video of the band recording the album. Also, I thought that the album was cool. If you are a die hard fan of typical DMB then you probably won’t like it. It’s like Everydays where it is more experimental for them. I disagree that it is corporately influenced, I hear some good tracks on here. Not Dave at his best but deffinately some cool stuff. Also, all the people that just steal music and think that musicians deserve no money and all their music should be “free” should slap themselves in the face for getting mad at the copy protection. It’s your own fault and low morale that is the reason this stuff has to happen. Honestly, how is music supposed to stay around if nobody pays for it? I know that a lot of people just shrug it off and say, “but I’m just one person and thats only $15 of loss to them”. Wake up and realize that EVERYBODY IS SAYING THAT!! I hope that music is still around after all the artists have no money to eat.

  78. Pardon me, Phil M., but the DMB Stand up DualDisc CD side is very much copy protected. If I try to play anither passed track to from the CD on my PC, everything is jumpy, as described before like a scrathed CD skipping. I ripped the CD using both iTunes and Windows Media player 11, and both ripped the CD at slow speeds of up to 1.5x, and most tracks while still playing better than directly from CD, have a large amount of static in the tracks. I tried to follow the above instructions regarding LaunchCD.exe, except a ran into one huge problem: it’s not found on the CD. I tried searching, exploring, running it through commands line, seeing if it appears when i try to make a file copy through Nero, and it’s jut not able to find it. It hink that’s why it never ran because I don’t have AutoRun shut off. I tried following the instructions to disable this MediaMax driver, except that it’s not there among the hidden devices. So, what the hell am I supposed to do? I’m not going to put this CD in my car and have it get scratched. And ever try to take out a CD that has data on both sides while driving? Not easy if you want to avoid finger prints. If anyone has a better soltion or has run into the same issues, please let me know.

  79. The States of California and Texas have just settled a lawsuit with Sony BMG over the MediaMax software on the Dave Matthews CD, noting that is screws up CD Rom drives, and actually was an anti-copyright infringement software installed on that and other CDs, disguised as a media player.

  80. I’m not as educated on the subject as you guys are, however it now appears that the software was more than copyright infringment protection. Sony hid the fact that there was spyware and if you tried to copy it to your PC, it could actually damage your CD Rom. That is wrong. Listening to the CD you BOUGHT on your PC is not copywright infringment, it’s the file sharing over the internet…