17 thoughts on “WordPress Themes

  1. I like it, looks great! And it is helpful when you want to look for a theme quickly instead of waiting for the theme switcher.

  2. Why avoid JS? It’s such a silly thing to avoid it; its syntax is similar to PHP and also like PHP it’s an extremely powerful tool to have in your toolbox.

  3. Does this mean wordpress.org will not have a full theme directory?

    While the “featured themes” page is a start, it’d still be awesome to have one central place to go to for all wordpress themes (featured or not).

    I guess by wordpress-extend, I was imagining something like Mozilla Addons (http://addons.mozilla.org). A one-stop shop for all wordpress themes and plugins.

    I’m still holding out hope though 🙂

  4. I like the design, but it doesn’t look quite right to me in Firefox (win) and IE6. About 50px of the next theme to the right is shown, which kills that whole “only see one at a time” concept (which was a good idea, btw). It could be fixed by making the iframe thinner of by spacing out the themes in the themes.php file’s CSS.

  5. It looks very sharp to me (in Firefox) and I like how quickly it moves from one theme design to another.

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