21 thoughts on “Getting Close

  1. Months ago when it stood at 50,000 I said in here that it was going towards a million. I said “a year or two”, which now turns out to be utter nonesense. It’ll happen much faster than that. Congrats!

  2. I just so happened to follow the link to be told it had been downloaded 499,499 times. The numeric pattern delighted me so much, I took a screenshot.

  3. Congrats on half a million, Matt! (I’m a b2/b2evo convert and have been *very* impressed with Strayhorn; looking forward to 1.6!)

    On a separate note, you might want to check out your gallery. It’s not working for me…

  4. Yeah, like 5 of those are mine, I have 3 blogs and I had to find some old files before hehe.

    I still remember back in the day…heh, like that was so long ago…when we were breaking just 100,000 =)

  5. Dante,


    cd /tmp
    wget -l0 -H -t1 -T 15 -nd -N -np $SITE
    diff $OLD $NEW >/home/dante/Desktop/$NEW
    mv $NEW $OLD

    echo $NEW':' >> /home/dante/Desktop/change_index.txt
    test -s /home/dance/Desktop/$NEW
    echo $? >> /home/dante/Desktop/NEW.txt
    echo ''>> /home/dante/Desktop/NEW.txt
    echo ''>> /home/dante/Desktop/NEW.txt
    echo ''>> /home/dante/Desktop/NEW.txt