5 thoughts on “HurricaneHelp

  1. Yes. There is a new public free service that is accessed by toll free 877-help-kat
    It is very simple to use. A family member (brother) calls into that number then enter his regular phone number (as search key). For example, the family home number is 504-111-2222. Then, brother can leave the current phone number (say 662-333-4444) and his birth-date (1201, Dec 1th). Later, if Sister calls in and enters 504-111-2222, the system will announce the existing entry that would also allow her to connect to him automatically. It is a free public service by MCI for the relief effort. Please spread the words so evacuees can use them to register and help re-unite families.

  2. Hello,

    I am trying to find out what the students, faculty and staff need most at this time. I teach at the largest HS in South Carolina. Our mascot is the Greenwave, like Tulane’s. Also, I am a graduate of Clemson University, so I think very fondly of Tommy Bowden, previously your head football coach. We have over 3000 students that are very generous and are willing to help out in anyway possible. Please someone get my information to a person in charge or respond to Tgrlily38@aol.com with the information so we can help whomever needs it.

    Jennifer Roberts
    Summerville HS
    Summerville, SC

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