Share Your OPML

Share Your OPML has relaunched and appears to be built on WordPress. This was one of my favorite services a few years back and was far ahead of its time. I still think moving OPML around is too hard, it would be nice to have some sort of OPML normalization service that could log into different accounts at places like WordPress, Bloglines, and Google reader, grab your file, auto-discover any feeds for entries that don’t have a xmlUrl, and merge everything together using the updated attribute. Hat tip: Niall and Johan.

5 thoughts on “Share Your OPML

  1. It seems rather unfunctional as it stands right now on its own (probably more interesting when its stats are compared with Technorati, etc.). I’m sure they’ll roll out some more discoverable options and such, but is a top-100 or sites by RSS feed really that big of a deal?

  2. I don’t think that kind of service will happen and/or have great takeup because you’d be asking it to log into a privileged account. However, if services that “do” OPML provided means for the OPML to be outward-facing (as Bloglines does) then logging in would be moot and mining data at these services would be easier. But a good idea nonetheless.