WordPress Party Next Monday

On Monday May 21 we’re having a WordPress party at Thee Parkside in San Francisco. It’s a cool dive-type bar across the street from a park at 17th and Wisconsin, and they have a free ping pong table. (You may want to bring your own paddle though.) The party will get started around 8 PM and go until they kick us out. What’s the occasion? Well, WordPress 2.2 is out, WordPress.com is about to pass a million blogs, and we’re coming up on our 4th birthday since WP’s first release.

21 thoughts on “WordPress Party Next Monday

  1. That is really wonderful Matt. A big congratulations from my small country Bangladesh.

    We have a pretty strong dedicated but small number of users here in Bangladesh. One of them ( hasin hyder ) even wrote a book on wordpress !

    Good luck on the party. I was a ping pong champion at school. Give us some photos at the end of the day : )

  2. Congrats on the milestones!! Unfortunately, up here in the Great White North some of us have to work and can’t just flit off to SF to party….

    Wish we could though…..

    Party HARD!

  3. definitely will try and stop by. i’m flying out tonight, and have to meet people early, but will try and make it for a bit if i can.

    congrats on all of the above. Biggest Community Wins 😉