7 thoughts on “Nice smbfs tutorial

  1. I have used smbfs in the past, but for me, sshfs wins hands-down because it is a FUSE filesystem, meaning you don’t need root privileges to mount it, and because it’s far easier to get SSH going over the internet (you can restrict it to keys only — no passwords) than SMB (security nightmare, no encryption).

    Installation on Debian is as easy as apt-get install sshfs, and adding your user to the group fuse.

    When I first started using sshfs over smbfs, I thought it was going to have absymal performance compared to smbfs, but it handles my streaming H.264 anime just fine. 🙂

  2. I just switched from NFS to SMB for my home office network. So far so good. Win and Lin are playing nice with the file server, and I hear Mac will too (when it comes!) One of the weirdest things is DW: It keeps thinking the file has been updated on the server, and asks me if I want to reload it. This can happen several times a minute, or not at all for 10-15 mins. DW (MX – latest one to run under CrossOver Office) is the only software going through this tedious exercise in futility (the file has _not_ changed on the source)…

  3. smb and fuse is possible: fusesmb [1] is a package which lets you mount the whole “network neigbourhood”, just like windows showed it.