Jose Saramago on

Nobel Prize winner Jose Saramago has two blogs on O Caderno de Saramago and El Cuaderno de Saramago. Saramago, 85, won the Nobel Prize for literature in 1998. One of his novels, Blindness was turned into a movie of the same name, released this month. (Hat tip: Antonio Dias)

5 thoughts on “Jose Saramago on

  1. One day, I hope that someone uses blog software, preferably WordPress, of course, to write Nobel Prize winning fiction. Until then, though, this warms the cockles of my heart.

  2. As a portuguese and an avid book reader, this was a great news for me! I’ve been following Saramago’s amazing works for a long time; it’s a joy to see him joining the wordpress comunity… 🙂