Now, more and more of the computing power we use comes from a CPU across the Internet. We no longer own our digital homes. Instead, we live rent-free with our parents.
The Clouds My-Mom-Cleaned-My-Room Problem by Alexis Madrigal.
Now, more and more of the computing power we use comes from a CPU across the Internet. We no longer own our digital homes. Instead, we live rent-free with our parents.
The Clouds My-Mom-Cleaned-My-Room Problem by Alexis Madrigal.
IntenseDebate’s Plugins are an innovative attempt to give users of a hosted service more say in what they keep in their room, while still having the advantage of Mom cleaning it.
I don’t think it took off in quite the way they hoped, I’m not sure if many people outside the ID team actually designed and submitted plugins, but it is a brilliant solution to the problem of different users wanting different sets of features.
It would be cool if some of that work eventually transitioned over to the ultimate Mom’s house,
I have seen anther similar atricle by Adrian Short in the Guardian. It suggests that those that use free services (rather that own them) are part of the new web underclass.