
BackupPC, the most thorough and capable backup system I’ve seen. I need to get this running this week now that my backup/storage server is online. This could backup my laptop using samba.

10 thoughts on “BackupPC

  1. I’ve been working with BackupPC for 3/4 year now, and quite happy with it. You’ll probably want to use rsync instead of samba for speed, though, unless your backup volume is small.

  2. Backuppc gets the thumbs up from me too! I’ve been using it for several weeks now to backup Linux and Windows machines. The Windows boxes are backed up with the Samba client, and the LInux boxes via tar over ssh.
    Nice web based gui for restoring files and starting backups although I haven’t got around to dumping the backups to DVD automatically yet. I manually do it once a week or so from the RAID volume the backups are on.

  3. What’s so special? Not much really. It’s just an interface to UNIX tools we all use anyway – ssh, samba, tar, rsync.
    What I do like is the pooling feature. Any identical files are only stored once. In my 15GB pool 184 identical files exist. If I was backing up complete Windows machines (ie c:\windows etc) then that pool would gain an even bigger benefit.
    It’s also got a good web interface. Users on the network can restore their files without bothering the admin, and can also restore the files back to their machines.

    Oh, and it works really well at what it does. That’s the most special thing about it.

  4. The best thing about backuppc is that it uses standard utils to restore files. All you need from the client machine is a web browser and either tar or unzip to restore your files. The flexability of the restore options really make this program stand out from the rest. That and it is an opensource project and way cheaper than the other options mentioned.

    One tip, with the Reply

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