On 1.3

I’m running the latest nightly build of WordPress 1.3 now. Living on the edge! Seems to be working well, and it’s a good stress-test of the system.

5 thoughts on “On 1.3

  1. 1.3-alpha-2
    That’s the latest nightly.

    I’m also testing it right now, but I get some errors when calling the_category() from a plugin (ow adapted breadcrumb plugin). I’ll see that get_the_category() function is changed, so I hope I can find the little error.

  2. I keep thinking that it would be cool to have a community test bed to stress test the crap out of. Also, it would be helpful to have running versions of all major releases prior to current to test the upgrades. I had a friend who had a bit of fun going from 0.71 to 1.2.

  3. Hmm, dont notice any major visual changes, or feature implementations..

    Is this a “developer release” a la Movable type 3.0?

    Is the major functionality in the improved plugin API?

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