That’s a good question, one I’ve wondered about. He’s been blogging a lot more lately on the features side of his page, though, and he’s been effectively side-blogging (about blogging and technology, but also about MT and 6A) at the 6A professional network weblog, which is actually really good. Still, that leaves room for the politics and Prince and other great weirdness he blogged.
That’s a good question, one I’ve wondered about. He’s been blogging a lot more lately on the features side of his page, though, and he’s been effectively side-blogging (about blogging and technology, but also about MT and 6A) at the 6A professional network weblog, which is actually really good. Still, that leaves room for the politics and Prince and other great weirdness he blogged.
Yeah, what’s up with that? I noticed the same thing as Richard, though. I feel that he shouldn’t be allowed to call it “daily links” anymore.
He’s been doing little link-blog posts in his main content lately. I think he’s transitioning to doing “asides” instead.