4 thoughts on “WordPressure

  1. Thanks, Matt! Actually, I do want to use the slugs instead of the IDs, but I’m encountering some weirdness that I think has more to do with the mod_rewrite rules I’m using to keep old pMachine URIs working (just trying to keep the “perma” in “permalink”).

    Instead of a hyphen between each word of the slug in the URI, I get a lowercase “a” — which makes my slugs read like Bugs Bunny’s Italian waiter impression.

    Unless you or the WordPress posse know someplace in the WP scripts where I can compensate, I need someone who’s better at regex and mod_rewrite than me to ferret this out.

    Otherwise, man, it’s working great!

  2. Well, no sooner do I say that than I figure out … it’s not being rewritten at all. The slugs got those “a’s” when I imported from pMachine using one of the tools provided by a WP forums regular.

    I can see them plain as day in the admin edit tool. So I can go back and fix the most recent ones. And WP-entered posts show the hyphens correctly.

    So as of this morning, the slugs are in, the IDs are out.

  3. Slugs are great and beautiful, I just updated my wordpress to use them not to long ago. Who wants to try to remember a number when committing a URI to memory?

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