23 thoughts on “Another one!

  1. It’s nice to hear WordPress being featured in different books, articles, sites and almost everywhere.
    But I just need to give the author a note about you not reading your email that often. Or forget to respond to the sender. (^_-)

  2. @Frederick : yes, it’s very hard for book authors to follow up with WordPress updates, since most of the time the book is printed something 2/3 months after the text has been sent to the publisher, it can take a couple more weeks to reach the stores.

    The best bet is therefore to aim at the latest pre-winter-vacations WP release, since that’s where there are the more months between two major releases πŸ™‚

    Hence, I personally can’t wait to know 2.7’s release date πŸ˜‰

  3. I am one of the writer of this book; (this book was a joint work, and, as for me, introduction and how to use, another one were in charge of a part of the development).

    I have you introduce it and am happy. I thank our editor who sent a book to you.

    WordPress is Web application, but hopes that I spread through both book and iPhone from now on.

  4. Hi Matt.

    Wordcamp San Francisco is only two weeks away and no information has been published anywhere.

    Is someone actually on top of this event or is it cancelled?

  5. Does anyone know if/when we are going to see a WP plugin or ap for the blackberry? I know they just came out with one for the iPhone.


  6. 2.7 is on the way already!?
    Damn. I’ll skip the 2.6 upgrade then, and just wait for the 2.7.

    Hey how about Matt Mullenweg writing his own book for a change? πŸ˜€

  7. I think I need an English version of this. Congrats Matt! I just joined WordPress and it rocks! Hey Fella, maybe you can tell me what plugins you are using. Since I’m a newbie I really don’t know what to get. I like how you have short posts at the beginning of the blog. Is that a plug in?

  8. I think I need an English version of this. Congrats Matt! I just joined WordPress and it rocks! Hey Fella, maybe you can tell me what plugins you are using. Since I’m a newbie I really don’t know what to get. I like how you have short posts at the beginning of the blog. Is that a plug in?

    Look at his post about it, https://ma.tt/2004/05/asides/ .. Hope that helps πŸ™‚

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