Gmail Invites

Gmail invites. The only thing I get on my Gmail account ( are people begging for invites, which has gotten very old very fast. It’s almost as bad as the people who stumble across my old Orkut entry and feel it’s my duty to invite them. I’ve given out one account so far, and it was to Simon.

Missed Plugins

Question for MT to WP converts: “To those of you who have converted, or who are thinking of converting – what plugin/hack/thing-a-ma-jig did you used to have for MT that you wish you could have now. I think there is very little (if anything at all?!) that I did in MT that couldn’t be done as easily (if not EASIER!) in WordPress. So, while I can’t say I’ll promise to get to everything right away, I’d like to re-create as many tutorials as possible for WordPress.”


I’m moving Leonard off my updated list because he seems to be pinging constantly, even when there are no updates or changes. With my old-school aggregator style it makes it very annoying to visit his site. Moral of the story: don’t cry wolf with your pings.

New Stopdesign

Doug has redone Stopdesign, and I must say it’s pretty spiffy. But who am I to say anything bad about fixed width designs and subtle lines in the background? His use of large normal weight Georgia is attractive, which is something I tried to use on the WordPress site when it was redesigned a few months ago. I’m a sucker for Georgia though. (Though you can’t tell from this site.) Thoughts: Everything is very clean, but the URIs are still crufty. The different colors on the different sections are great. There is a lot of really interesting attention to detail. It will take some getting used to though, it feels more “bloggy.”

Mmm Apache

I just got Apache 2 configured locally to serve all the different web apps I run locally (phpWiki, Tasks, WordPress, phpCoder, and some propietary stuff) as different virtual hosts with unique fake hostnames. I don’t know why this is a big deal to me, but it’s much cleaner. My local wiki has grown quite a bit, with hundreds of pages in it now. I’m not sure how I functioned before