RSS Cloud

RSS Cloud support has been turned on for and you can download a plugin for Both are first iterations and will continue to be improved over the next few weeks, and I’ll be at the RSS Cloud meetup on Wednesday.

10 thoughts on “RSS Cloud

  1. Hi Matt,

    Didn’t see a quick answer to this, so I’m asking here: If my RSS feed for my WordPress blog is through Feedburner, should I install this, or do I need to do something on Feedburner, or both?

    Thanks in advance!

      1. I hope you do not mind, I am going to share this tidbit on my blog. That way users know. I came back to check as I was noticing the same as Erica.

        Thanks again!

        PS. I appreciate the time you took in replying to my email. Thank you!

  2. I installed it a few hours ago…and was looking forward to seeing how fast the rssCloud would expand. Really glad to see you mentioning the plugin here for everyone else with self-hosted WP blogs, thanks Matt.

    Now we just need to see people jump on board with more aggregators/readers.