Automattic Aquires AtD

Automattic just purchased a company and service called After the Deadline, an amazingly smart contextual spelling and grammar checker, and can catch errors even the New York Times misses. It’s now live for 7.5 million blogs and available as a free plugin for .org users, it replaces the built-in spell checker on TinyMCE. It’s a cool story, they were actually rejected from Y Combinator and a few other seed funds but kept at it anyway, and has now found a home in the Automattic family. I found out about the service from Hacker News.

26 thoughts on “Automattic Aquires AtD

  1. If you’re anal about spelling and grammar you’ll find it amusing that there is a spelling mistake on that very AtD page about the NYT article. I’ll leave it to others to try and find it.

  2. Hi Matt,

    Just giving you a heads up…

    I installed ATD here and I tried embedding some raw embed code for a youtube video and when I clicked on publish, the code disappeared. It was not until I disabled the plug in, that this stopped.

    Just letting you know. While ATD is great idea. You have got to figure out a way to make it stop eating embed code.



    1. I just checked in an update to the AtD plugin to fix this. I appreciate you bringing this to my attention but would ask that you report future things via the AtD contact form as I’m much more likely to see it. Tough to keep up on comments everywhere 🙂 Thank you again though. — Raphael

  3. This is very awesome, very meaningful. So much more important than say Gravatars. Nicely done. Congrats to Automattic and Raphael. Bigger congrats to us challenged writers.