
We filmed the first episode of PalmTalk today! It was different in some ways from what I was expecting, espescially in terms of how things flowed, but I was very impressed with some of the things they were able to do technologically with the cameras and effects. The guest, Lorraine Young, was really charismatic and had a great product to demo. All in all, I would say it was, well, a first episode. Ever seen any of the early episodes of Friends? There are definitely some things that are going to change before next week, and things are only going to change for the better, so I’m excited. I’m also curious to see how the whole thing turns out after all of the post-editing stuff they do. Anyway, I’ll see on Tuesday. The main dowside is I think I left my laptop AC adapter there, or at least I hope I did, because I can’t find it. Right now my laptop is hibernating until I get it back.

After the taping I had a very nice dinner with Sarah at one of my favorite chinese restruants, Ming’s on Montrose. After that I headed down to Kaveh Kanes, a great coffee shop downtown on Prarie with free WiFi internet access. Tonight was the monthly meeting (first Friday of the month) for people who listen to the radio show Technology Bytes, which is on Wednesday nights. I’ve heard it several times before and it’s a fun show to listen to. The people who were there were very interesting and we talked for a very long time from topics ranging from Apache 2 to Amiga to Minix to BeOS. I must admit that I was there partly by accident–I thought it was a HWUG meeting. I really enjoyed it though and afterwards I ended up going to House of Pies around 1 to continue the discussion with two unix/freebsd sysadmins I met there. It’s strange how much you can find you have in common with someone in such a short period of time. Also it was nice to meet the people who actually do the show, and you can tell they’re really technically competent and nice to talk to. Oh, and got another ‘tech support’ consulting job today, fixing a paper jam! What will I do next?

5 thoughts on “PalmTalk

  1. Haha so maybe I should have called you when I jammed my room mate’s printer? 😛

    Congrats on the doing the first show! I wish I could see it….

  2. Where do we go to see this show? It sounds great! I would love to check it out.

    I forgot all about the HWUG. I might have to check that out – being the WiFi fan that I am!

  3. If you like WiFi you should come to the meeting at Kaveh Kanes on Tuesday. I forgot what the exact presentation is going to be on, but it’s always fun :).

  4. The show will be airing on Tuesdays at 9:30 pm, right before the news, on HCCTV, which I think is channel 19 on TW cable. It also airs on the two other cable providers at the same time but a different channel. I’ll try and get a AVI file up for you people out of Houston on those nice university connections. Stay tuned!