It’s that time again, where I’m forced to spend hours and hours reconfiguring everything and installing programs so I can be productive with this computer. I kept a list just for grins, and here it is:
- Winamp 2 (To listen to while doing the rest.)
- SecureCRT (Gotta have SSH.)
- Diskeeper
- Roboform (I’m lazy.)
- Google Toolbar (Need to find updates and such.)
- Photoshop 7 (I’m a very young Jedi here.)
- Topstyle Pro (Makes me warm and fuzzy inside. Rumored to prevent eye bleeds.)
- Cute FTP Pro
- Adobe Acrobat
- ASPI Layer
- Audio Catalyst (Music habit.)
- Office XP (Bloatware at its finest.)
- Kazaa Lite (Music habit.)
- Personal HOSTS File (Feel free to grab. Tweaked so Yahoo works.)
- DeadAIM (Chat me up @ saxmatt02.)
- Palm Desktop (Sync it up.)
- Studio MX (Gotta pay the bills.)
explain what #14 is… related to spam or popups?
Someone needs to tell Bradsoft about number 7. I think that could be a good testimonial for TopStyle—”it doesn’t make your eyes bleed!”
Ah Photoshop 7. My hero.