Return of the Posting

The hiatus is over.

Peace and blessings manifest with every lesson learned
If your knowledge were your wealth then it would be well earned

The holidays could not have been better, a delightful mix of friends and family that I will remember fondly for years to come. Presents, the least important part of the holidays, were notable this year in quality and thoughtfulness. Thank you. Presence, friends I have not seen in some time have been in town, and the new place has been somewhat of a hub. I consider myself lucky and blessed to be surrounded by such great people.

Just as writing is a habit, not writing is a habit. In my quest for relaxation over the past weeks I have developed this bad habit, and now it’s time to break it.

I have been extremely busy as of late. I always say I’m busy, but now more so. I’m doing my best to catch up before school starts, and software helps, but there are still personal notes to write, 614 photos to optimize and upload, countless emails to respond to, clients to work with, and incidentals like eating and sleeping.

Most importantly, I turn 20 in 5 days.

5 thoughts on “Return of the Posting

  1. Well, I hope your birthday is a joyous start to your twentieth year.

    BTW, thanks for the WordPress update. Getting better and better.

    Are you going to SXSWi? You ought to go flog WordPress there.

  2. Haha, when I first read this I thought, “Crap! Matt’s birthday! I totally forgot about it!” But then I remembered that I already gave you your present….heh.

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