Victor Lombardi

Victor Lombardi now uses WordPress. Look at how the information architects go crazy with sub-categories. I love it!

3 thoughts on “Victor Lombardi

  1. Dear Matt,

    Allow me this space to ask you about your ideas on sub/parent-children categories in WordPress:

    I browsed the WordPress table structure and it seems a category is aware of the id of its parents but the parents are not aware of their children, a real tearjerker indeed.

    Would/will there be any way to control the contents of a parent category page with respect to displaying children category posts? In other words, will there be a 2-way category filter instead of the current 1-way filter.

    For example: on a given parent category page one might like to display full texts of all the posts assigned to (at least) this parent category and only links or excerpts to/of the posts assigned to children categories of this parent.

    I have to admit that this quest is motivated by using WordPress for a small company site rather then a personal web log, a situation where a 2-way category filter could create the tree structure for a less blog-like site.


  2. to subcomment my own comment on your asside:

    Maybe what i’m looking for are sections (in textpattern terminology) and sections in WordPress would be the upcoming multiple blog functionality. Then again, maybe not.

  3. Um, yes! Good stuff.

    I’ll echo thomas’s comments. Also, I exported all those categories from another tool and imported them into WP very easily. But re-nesting them all took awhile. A feature that future generations of WP users might appreciate is an import format for hierarchical categories (XFML maybe?).

    Thanks for all your hard work, much appreciated. — Victor

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