SmartyPants On Demand

SmartyPants On Demand (instead of all the time). I’ve refactored some parts of Texturize so it’s even faster and smarter than before, and that’ll be in the next WP release. I got an email from a project manager at Google a week or two ago asking for a Texturize feature list and if the code was available. He wouldn’t say what they were going to use it for.

3 thoughts on “SmartyPants On Demand

  1. Woohoo, so now I don’t have to put those smartypants-on-demand custom fields for those entries with challenging punctuations! 🙂

    Google wants your code? You don’t have it in the GPL, right? 😉 You’re gonna be rich. 🙂

  2. You mean just look at your algorithm and recreate it another language/environment? Awww, they should at least give a hundred google invites so we can have a raffle at the WP forums. 🙂

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