
Post to your blog using instant messenger, works with WordPress using the Blogger or Metaweblog API. That said, this seems way too complicated for end users.

4 thoughts on “somethingme

  1. Matt, thanks for the feedback. We tried to make it uncomplicated, but if there are specific things that you think might improve the experience, please let us know. It’s not as easy as point-and-click browser-based posting or e-mail to blog, but it’s a start.

    You also don’t have to go through the whole login/logout each time you want to post a message. You can set your username/password, set your blog information, post a message, and then just change your blog ID and start a new post or whatever.

    Hope this helps.

  2. You can add RSD support to WordPress – maybe using my RSD hack or the one in the WordPress Wiki – to make this easier. Good BloggerAPI or MetaWeblogAPI clients should find all relevant data automatically that way.