Wikipedia Blocked in China

On Wikipedia in China (or lack thereof): “You know, it’s not accessible from public internet. I have to find a proxy server to get that page. I know it’s just a click in a open internet world, but now i have to hate the knowledge blocker, it’s their own fault.”

3 thoughts on “Wikipedia Blocked in China

  1. oh well….its really blocked here…..i cant visit it any longer…. its insane for these censors to block this site because most of the comment are not related to policy of china, and i mainly use wikipedia to read articles about physics, chemistry, science and lots of other scientific subjects…… these chinese censors are the most insane, idiotic and asshole-being people i have ever seen

  2. I had been living in China from September 2005 until just about a week ago. Since returning home to the States, I’ve been almost virtually living at, because I was really starting to go through withdrawl symtoms without in China.

    It’s good to be home. Oh yeah, and China – stop blocking it!