Hot Blogs

Speaking of lists, I have a small list of well-designed WordPress blogs I’ve come across. I’m open to suggestions, so if you have a favorite that isn’t on the list let me know.

18 thoughts on “Hot Blogs

  1. Hey, Matt — just thought you’d like to know that seems to be acting a bit off:

    lib/WikiDB/backend/PearDB.php:32: Fatal[256]: Can’t connect to database: wikidb_backend_mysql: fatal database error

    * DB Error: connect failed
    * ( [nativecode=Can’t connect to local MySQL server through socket ‘/var/tmp/mysql.sock’ (11)] ** mysql://wikiwor:XXXXXXXX@localhost/wikiwor_wiki)

    Maybe it’s just me, though. 😛

  2. My Blog is not a good looking blog, in fact every single day, I hope someone will offer to redesign it for me, free of cost.

    That said, I know that you must have clicked that link by now, if you haven’t, you intended to, after reading this far, right? 😛 What is it, about a link that makes it so difficult not to click it?

    That said, I think it will be interesting to have a list of wordpress installations which stretch WP to do something unconventional or just plain cool. Modesty prevents me from listing an adaptation of my own, but it sure would be interesting.

    I wish the wiki had a voting plugin of some sort.

  3. Wow, I have some shameless commenters. :-p This is my personal list, not meant to be an objective list, so please don’t edit it directly. There are lots of blogs that are well-designed and popular that don’t match my personal aesthetic, so I wouldn’t want them on the list. Again, it’s not to say that they aren’t well-designed, just that they aren’t my cup of tea.

  4. Eep! Didn’t realize that someone besides Matt had added my blog to the list. At least I’m glad to see that I have some enthusiastic supporters out there…

  5. Hey Matt,

    Sorry but I’m going to participate in the shameless self-promotion that seems to be going on. hehe.

    I don’t think my blog would look too out of place on that list. 😉

    A few rough edges that need ironing out… but it’s getting there.

    I’ll now retreat back into the crowd of shameless folk that seem to be hanging about around here. 🙂

    If I don’t make the list… then hey… no problem. I’ll just not read yours anymore. jk. 🙂

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