Prepare to be Slashdotted

Mark runs some benchmarks on the new Staticize plugin with some interesting results. The benchmark could stand for some improvement, but the results are still pretty impressive.

5 thoughts on “Prepare to be Slashdotted

  1. I’m not seeing that kind of improvement…

    < !– Dynamic Page Served (once) in 2.282 seconds –>
    < !– Static Page Served in 1,090,903,208.343 seconds –>


  2. I’m seeing that error as well. The problem is that it is spitting out the ending microtime() and for some reason, even though the beginning microtime is global for the function, it’s coming up blank. So return number_format($timeend - $timestart, 3); is the ending microtime() minus nothing, which equals the ending microtime().

    There is probably some scope issue at work that is over my head…

  3. That’s actually my mistake, it looks like an old version was in the zip file. Please re-download the new version. It’s much faster. 🙂

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