
Can you link to this? How does it look in your aggregator? What’s it look like in your address bar? If you can’t get to this entry leave a comment on the previous one. Hat tip: Anne.

50 thoughts on “Iñtërnâtiônàlizætiøn

  1. Confirmed to work in Firefox, Opera, and IE on this Windows XP laptop. It looks good in Firefox and Opera, kinda yucky in IE. Dale, I think you just outed yourself as an IE user. 😉

  2. Also note that if you have a unicode-savvy publishing system you should be able to paste the pretty version into your post, not the yucky version.

  3. I take that back, you see the percent-encoded in the address bar of Firefox too. Sorry for that awful slander Dale. 🙂

    It seems like Opera handles this best.

  4. I’m pretty glad that my title image generator was able to handle this too. That one is dumb luck though, both in how I encode things and that the font I’m using has all the right characters.

  5. Looks just fine after being fetched by MagpieRSS and displayed in a home-built reader/archiver in Mozilla 1.8b3. Thanks for the test 😉

  6. Bloglines has no problem with it of course. Opera is perfect, Konqueror displays it fine in the address bar but messes up the window title, Firefox excapes the whole string in the address bar but at least does it right in the title.

    BTW, how do we get WP’s comment notification emails to do it right?

  7. Kinja doesn’t seem to have any problem displaying it either.

    I’m not sure that displaying the hex encoding of the URI in a browser is really something to complain about. I wouldn’t expect it to display it otherwise — after all, that’s what a URI is supposed to look like according to the specs.

  8. The url comes thru as the percent encoded (yucky version) in the entry using Opera’s RSS reader. The subject for the entry comes out fine, and the link works…

  9. I confirm, it works fine on Opera. Mozilla/Firefox/Opera/IE on Win2000 (French) botch it with percent encoding, but load the page well and show the title correctly (image, title tag, the works). Heck, even Netscape 4 handles it! (Sort of…)

  10. On a second thought. When I view source I see the name is URI encoded already. When you enter the unescaped form into the browser you won’t get the same result. (It has to be encoded by the way to be URI compliant.)

    I believe this was discussed some time ago by Mark Pilgrim and Sam Ruby as well and it seems that there are multiple ways to encode non us-ascii characters in an URI.

  11. I’m running FeedOnFeeds and the title showed up fine in the RSS display of it, however in the description field the word “What’s” of “What’s it look like in your address bar?” was incorrectly displayed – the ‘ in what’s was a ?

    I’ve seen that happen a few times on you rss feed from FoF too.

    (I’m using FF0.9.2 to browse with FoF)

    Also, looks great in Sage with FF too. No problems at all. Perhaps FoF needs some UTF-8 encoding headers sent? Mrhmm…

  12. Works for me in Feed On Feeds (0.1.7) / Firefox 0.8 / Win2K, without the apostrophe issue that Jeff mentioned. I think he’s right about the encoding headers, through. Leaving them out is causing some problems.

    In my address bar I see percent signs.

  13. As has been said, percent-encoded in Firefox (on Linux).

    Though few people care these days, it’s totally mangled in Lynx (in XTerm w/ Bitstream Vera Sans Mono font). ELinks, however, substitutes those characters for strings of ASCII characters which look similar.

  14. Linking to this post proved tricky under Movable Type. No amount of copying and pasting was going to let me use the actual characters as a link description, sadly. The only way I managed to finally make the link itself work was by copying the escape codes from comment #1 and using that. Safari wouldn’t let me do it any other way.

  15. Mea culpa, looks like the MT problem was a result of my upgrade (as opposed to a fresh install.) It is, in fact, entirely possible to copy and paste the characters into MT3, provided you’ve actually turned on UTF-8. (And with that, I’m done with the MT talk on here)

  16. Yes, it works, but it’s not great for Accessability. One of the WAI tips from the W3C is to make readable URIs. That certainly isn’t readable for anyone with a Gecko based browser. I think that’s why internationalisation gets abbreviated to i18n — it’s just so much easier to read and type.

  17. Copying the web address from Opera’s address bar into Firefox fails to find the post. Opening the link from the archives works in Firefox though.

    The numbers you’re using for each comment overlap the text in Opera BTW…

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