Gald you like the site Matt. Thanks for the linkage.
Lars is right. I only converted it over to WordPress in August (along with some touch ups), but the site has been around for a while.
Sam, ctrl+shift+d works here when you have the default style sheet selected. It doesnt work when you choose one of the other styles. No idea why really… I seem to remember it working in the past though!?
I love the way Phono Phunk dealt with that Design Pirate. Can’t stop smiling about this..
That is a nice looking site indeed. I found it earlier this year, but didn’t see WordPressure mentioned. Perhaps a later upgrade?
So Matt, why do you think the site is nice looking?
legs, obviously
Love the site: wish you could just click ctrl+shift+d to see it plain though.
Oh and whats up here? : error
Sam, Ctrl + Shift + D works fine here.
Gald you like the site Matt. Thanks for the linkage.
Lars is right. I only converted it over to WordPress in August (along with some touch ups), but the site has been around for a while.
Sam, ctrl+shift+d works here when you have the default style sheet selected. It doesnt work when you choose one of the other styles. No idea why really… I seem to remember it working in the past though!?