
TextMate is the hot new editor for OS X. I’m working on a new project which is very code heavy and repetitive and this might be just the thing. I haven’t found an editor I love on OS X yet, I’ve just been using SubEthaEdit in the interim. What’s even cooler, of course, is that they’re using WordPress for their Textmate blog. I’ll buy the software just for that.

17 thoughts on “TextMate

  1. Pingback: jluster.org
  2. Not that hot, it seems… Some people think it wasn’t yet ready to be released —a lot of work still needs to be put in it before it can be called a Mac-worthy app…

    BBEdit is definitely the way to go —their latest release works like a charm— although <oxygen/> is not bad either (once you figure out the interface).

  3. Graphic, most of the things those in those articles either don’t matter to me or are actually bonuses. I don’t think they’re really aiming at the hardcore BBedit users who have a large investment in that software, they’re probably aiming at people like me who came to Macs and asked what the best editor is, try out BBedit, and recoil in horror.

  4. Was BBEdit that hard to use?
    I guess it might’ve been, if one was new to Mac stuff… you’re right. I can’t tell, everything I’ve ever used is Mac, so I have no perspective whatsoever from a switcher’s point of view.
    Before BBEdit, I was using Dreamweaver and had no problem at all ditching the old soup-stirring-tool for the new one [sic!]; it seemed to fall into place just right, dull learning curve and everything…

    But “recoil in horror”? 🙂

    OK, I haven’t tried TextMate yet, so I can’t speak for myself on this. Maybe I should pull the trial version for a couple of days and then talk.

    — – —

    Off topic but hey, you were right, the SEX thingy is gone 🙂

  5. Matt, this is slightly off topic, but have you used Eclipse as development IDE for PHP yet? There’s a great plugin to Eclipse called PHPEclipse that makes it possible to do PHP debugging, intellisense (code completion), and a bunch of other things. Anyway, just thought I’d ask.

  6. OF Jay: Editplus has been my favorite Windows editor for years. It’s one of the reasons I favor my Athlon over my TiBook for development.

    It’s the perfect combination of features (that I actually use) and performance (I’ve never waited on it to do syntax highlighting).

    on topic: Textmate is the first editor that I’ve liked using on OS X but I don’t think it’ll replace my Win/Editplus combo.

    – sgb

  7. Windows users looking for a lightweight notepad can check out Notepad2. Its more than a notepad replacement. The only drawback is that its SDI. That won’t matter if there was tab support, but there is none.

    Do check out the screenshots. Its also open source.

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