Comcast Cable

I finally got internet hooked up at my house today. I ended up going with Comcast mostly because MJ sweet talked me into it. I just ran the speed test from DSL Reports on it and it came back 3469 down and 230 up. That’s over three megabits downstream, crazy! I could get used to this. Now I can finally get start getting things done from home again. (I had internet before but it was a patchy wifi connection that wasn’t reliable.)

12 thoughts on “Comcast Cable

  1. You’re so lucky.

    My Comcast is:

    Down: 627 kbps.
    Up: 82 kbps.

    I hate my cable. :\

    My VOIP phone, on high quality, cripples my Internet connection.
    Uploading anything to anywhere crippples my Internet connection.
    Comcast’s solution?
    Unplug and plug in the modem.
    Check your wires.
    Power off the modem.
    Power on the modem.
    I’m not sure.

  2. Yeah their customer service was really top-notch, at least the sales bit. I never had to wait for someone to talk to, it was always almost instant.

  3. I’ve had Comcast over in Marin for four years now and I’ve never had a problem. They’re great. I get about 4 mbps there too. When I’m in LA, I use Adelphia, which is pretty much just as good, but I’ve found that Comcast is a little bit more reliable because the network isn’t as saturated. The kids around UCLA sure know how to suck up the bandwidth.

  4. I work as a comcast support agent, so I’d be surprised if thats the solution you really got. It sounds like you got the perfect connect Matt. šŸ˜€

    Brandon, what type of cable modem do you have?

  5. I have Comcast here in Philadelphia and I love the internet service. My usual numbers are somewhere between 2 and 3 Mbps. The cable TV on the other hand, I don’t like so much. They don’t even leave you a guide for programming your remote! This probably isn’t an issue for most people…until you buy a new TV or the batteries in your remote run out. If you ever run into that problem, here is a good place to find the manuals for your remote.