Guaranteed Misspellings

I can never spell “guarantee” right, I always end up googling it. Maybe if I blog it I’ll be able to remember. Other words that I consistently mess up: “separate,” “Wednesday,” and “bourgeoisie.”

19 thoughts on “Guaranteed Misspellings

  1. So there was this old lady. She was married to a man named Septimus.

    She really, really, really hated rats. All rodents, really, but rats in particular. Made her scream.

    One day, she and hubby Sep were hanging out at home when, out of the corner of her eye, the old lady spied a rodent shape scurrying across the kitchen floor. She freaked out — jumping up, climbing on top of a stool, and exclaiming:

    “Sep! A rat! Eeeeeeeee!”

    That’s how I remember how to spell “separate.”

  2. I’m a spelling pedant, and it pains me that I can’t ever get the proper spelling of “misspell” stuck in my head.

    Ahh, you don’t know how glad I am to hear I’m not the only one.

  3. i right clicked (ctrl click) in a textarea once chose “Spelling >” and then “Check Spelling as you Type” and now I don’t spell things wrong anymore 🙂

  4. I used to always get “weird” wrong… I was always about the ‘i before e” but now I just have to constantly remember that “weird is spelled weirdly”.

    And for separate, I used to think that it was two different spellings: I thought that “seperate” was the verb, and “separate” was the adjective… Whoopsy! 🙂

  5. The firefox spell check extension for form fields is my savior. I personally blame spell check in general, whether it be from MS or otherwise, for my horrid spelling. Doubt a class-action suit is in the works though..

  6. Ryan: the full rule is ‘i before e except after c when pronouncing “eee”‘. I don’t know of any exceptions to that, as long as you pronounce ‘weird’ like ‘weir’ with a ‘d’ on the end, and not like ‘wee-urd’.

    Sentence is one I always miss. SentEnce, not sentAnce. I think. Is it?

  7. I never knew about a spellchecker extension for Mozilla. What I personally do is copy text from boxes (such as this) to KEdit and then press ALT T+S for a quick spellcheck. Highly recommended!

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