Windows for Mac

I just installed Windows Media Player for Mac. Doesn’t that sound wrong? Sometimes Microsoft’s naming and branding really throws me for a loop. Is there a Windows Media Player for Linux?

6 thoughts on “Windows for Mac

  1. I just installed WMP for mac on my new machine (12″ pb) myself. and yes, it feels wrong indeed. and yes, it seems like turbolinux integrates a kind of windows media player (link).

  2. Is there a Windows Media Player for Linux?

    No, but you can install it through Crossover Office (which is basically an optimized WINE with configuration tools and a system for installing Windows software). Somewhere I have a screenshot of a dialog box captioned “Simulating Reboot.” Of course, that was for the really perverse situation in which I installed Internet Explorer on my Linux box. Believe it or not, it’s very helpful for testing purposes, though I’m not sure whether I can install updates without completely screwing up WINE.