I just installed Windows Media Player for Mac. Doesn’t that sound wrong? Sometimes Microsoft’s naming and branding really throws me for a loop. Is there a Windows Media Player for Linux?
I just installed Windows Media Player for Mac. Doesn’t that sound wrong? Sometimes Microsoft’s naming and branding really throws me for a loop. Is there a Windows Media Player for Linux?
I just installed WMP for mac on my new machine (12″ pb) myself. and yes, it feels wrong indeed. and yes, it seems like turbolinux integrates a kind of windows media player (link).
No, there’s no Windows Media Player for linux. I had very good sucess though setting up WINE through dselect on debian and then installing Windows Media Player there. Everything ran great.
mPlayer also *should* suit your needs.
@ tor
like i said: “it seems like turbolinux integrates a kind of windows media player”… it plays wm files, but it’s not ms.
Is there a Windows Media Player for Linux?
No, but you can install it through Crossover Office (which is basically an optimized WINE with configuration tools and a system for installing Windows software). Somewhere I have a screenshot of a dialog box captioned “Simulating Reboot.” Of course, that was for the really perverse situation in which I installed Internet Explorer on my Linux box. Believe it or not, it’s very helpful for testing purposes, though I’m not sure whether I can install updates without completely screwing up WINE.
My God, I hate WMP for OS X. It’s like Real Player, in the sense that it just doesn’t fit in, in any way…
Michael, or like iTunes for Windows… it works in both directions! 😉