This is too crazy — Rosie O’Donnell of talk show fame has a WordPress blog in which she writes poetry-like entries daily that get hundreds of comments. (And the site is very snappy, this is why more and more high-traffic publishers are switching to WordPress.) It gets better — she’s also on Flickr. I feel like I just stumbled into an alternate universe where celebrities are using software I helped write. Hat tip: neiljmorrow via email.
That is pretty crazy.
Imagine her and Madonna sitting around their kids talking about blogs and wordpress.
You just found that? She’s probably the most famous blogger in terms of non-internet fame. Didn’t know it was wordpress tho…
I could be wrong, but I could swear she was using Blogger at one point. The switch to WP must have been fairly recent.
She was using Blogger. The old blog, called formerlyrosie, is at:
Wow. I don’t think I could sleep at night, Matt.
I can’t get to anything other than her Blogger blog through the link you posted, Matt. Maybe it’s temporarily down or something?
That’s one busy little WP site she’s running! These fame announcements are getting pretty common now… I think you need a new weblog just to handle it! <plug>Blogs Of The Day (still in development) is coming along nicely thanks to your help and it will be a nice indicator of the most popular among botd-enabled WP sites.</plug>
She’s likely had her Flickr account for a while now, if she managed to snag the handle “rosie.”
I recently discovered that Kevin Smith (Silent Bob?) also uses WordPress for his online diary:
Wow, that is neat!
I think you did!
Rosie had been blogging on blogspot, but got really frustrated with troll comments, and had to eventually turn commenting off completely. She’s obviously much happier with WordPress and the ability it gives her to have more control of not just comments but every aspect of the site. The Flickr thing, well that’s just cool. She’s a moblogging maniac — and she only started a few days ago. Dunno how she scored the “rosie” username.
Was just telling the wife about Rosie’s blog. (“Remember the guy we ran into at Katz’s? Matt?”) Anyhow, she had just looked at Rosie’s blog yesterday or the day before. Apparently Rosie had some posts about American Idol (hence my wife’s interest). Weird…
Apparently her site is down right now — replaced with a WordPress Error message!
The Flickr thing is getting her some attention.
She had a shot of the Paparrazzi shooting her, kind of funny.