I tend to link to the more liberal organizations using WordPress because that’s what I hear about, but WP is becoming popular on all sides of the spectrum, which is fine by me. Stephen Steele wrote in that famous creationist Ken Ham has a blog now. He’s also video- and podcasting.
5 thoughts on “Ken Ham Blog”
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Hi Matt, I’m just cruising around learning about WP with the intention of using it soon and I just wanted to throw you a kudos for linking to a fellow like Ken Ham without the need to give him a dig. Everything seems to get so polarized on the web so often that I found this simple little post really refreshing. Especially considering that it seems likely you might not be on the same “page” as him.
And I’m still learning who does what with WP, but it seems like a cool tool so far.
You shouldn’t let him use it. He’s pure evil, saying it was the victims’ fault the tsunami happened…what a..bad person.
Thanks for posting this, Matt! It was awesome when I found out Ham was blogging (being a Creationist and WordPress fan myself), and it was even more awesome when I saw this li’l promo. That speaks a lot about your character. Kudos.
Wow Dante,
You missed the point.. and they never say it was the victim’s fault… wow. Take a better look before you condemn someone like that.