Pulse of Freedom

The Pulse of Freedom is a site published by the protesters at Martyrs’ Square, Beirut, from a tent city.” This is an inspiring story: “A group of Web masters, graphic design artists, writers, and photographers stayed up all night for several nights in a row putting the Web site together.” They chose WordPress. “As far as I’m aware this is the first Web site of its kind anywhere in the world. The leaders of a democratic revolution are openly blogging about their experience from the center of the action.” Echoditto writes about their part in Blogging from Beirut. “I am writing this post from a tent city in the Martyrs’ Square in central Beirut, a place which is filled with the energy and excitement of a burgeoning democratic movement.” Hat tip: Mike Carvalho via email.

One thought on “Pulse of Freedom

  1. The blog is great in that it allows for public dissemination of ideas that may not be acceptable in a non-diary form… it’s like the Reality TV version of the news. And WordPress has a significant hand in this freedom.

    Just wanted to say that I recently left Xanga to have a blog hosted on a domain that I (basically) own, chose WordPress as the platform for my personal reinvention (the blog really does become a personal thing that we attach ourselves to), and haven’t looked back since. I’m extremely satisfied with WordPress and wish you nothing but good fortune in getting the word about WordPress out there.
