XHTML Friends

XHTML Friends is a site doing some very interesting visualization of XFN data across the blogosphere, though it’s dataset is pretty new. Remember adding XFN info to anyone in your blogroll is simple as a couple of checkboxes, so you have no excuses! It would be great if XHTML Friends was the first service to suppor the “me” value for aggregating disparate identities. Some may have noticed that Technorati profiles now sport the “me” XFN value. I wonder why? 🙂

2 thoughts on “XHTML Friends

  1. Yeah that’s clever. But, in laymans terms, why should I bother with this? Sounds like yet another acronym I need to learn, worry about and then find that it’s not such a big deal?

    Am I wrong?

    (This isn’t a dig, and I realise these techy things need to get done first to ensure they work but at some point someone has to put a user focussed spin on it)