I’ve been mentioning Newsmap to people lately so I thought I’d link to it here because it has a terrible URI and I always forget the name.
I’ve been mentioning Newsmap to people lately so I thought I’d link to it here because it has a terrible URI and I always forget the name.
Looks like another wonderful example of Flex. I have been working very closely with Flex and CF lately and it really is as cool as it looks. Drag and drop in UI is commonplace now. I recently designed a complex search form that allows users to move the fields around to suit themselves and people seem to love it!
Yeah, it’s a nice visualisation of Google news. There’s a cool Flickr graph too. http://www.marumushi.com/apps/flickrgraph/
That’s really wierd.. I went looking for a file-space analyzer for Windows today, after having used “Disk Inventory X”:http://www.derlien.com/ on my PowerBook at home and remembering it was based on a Linux app ( “KDirStat”:http://kdirstat.sourceforge.net/ ) I went in search of a Windows version (“WinDirStat”:http://windirstat.sourceforge.net/). There was an interesting link off that page to the American Uni where “Treemaps” (around which newsmap is based) was invented. “Reading through the history and uses of Treemaps”:http://www.cs.umd.edu/hcil/treemap-history/ I spotted “newsmap”:http://www.marumushi.com/apps/newsmap/newsmap.cfm, checked it out, furled it and added it to my toolbar seconds before reading this from blo.gs
(I also reccomend “JDiskReport”:http://www.jgoodies.com/freeware/jdiskreport/ for X-Platform file usage data, quickest Japp I’ve used and some really nice graphs)
Hmm, here’s clickable versions of the links from above hopefully:
Sorry about that – thought you used textile, couldn’t see any notes to say which you used.