SQLite Administration

I needed to play around with a SQLite database today (we switched all our bug tracking from Mantis to Trac) and it really strikes me how immature all of the SQLite administration tools are, especially considering the incredible competition like phpMyAdmin. I ran into tons of cryptic errors, scripts not doing anything, not handling magic quotes properly, and a million other problems most PHP programmers fix after a few months learning the language.

10 thoughts on “SQLite Administration

  1. Why did you not just use the sqlite3 program through SSH? (Maybe that’s impractical — I dunno — I’ve never used it myself.)

  2. Can you connect to the DB remotely? If you have access to a Win machine, there seem to be some fairly mature applications to manage SQLite DBs.

    Could you mention which of the PHP tools you tried?

  3. Well, in all honesty that should be expected. SQLite does not aim to replace MySQL, rather offer a lightweight alternative. Somewhere a step above GDBM and a step below MySQL. Need to get a quick database set up for some miscelaneous task? Use SQLite. Don’t force it to be something it’s not and it will do wonders for you 🙂

  4. …not that phpMyAdmin is all that great, either.

    Recent versions leave me longing for an alternative that is a little less about flash and a little more about getting the job done. Seems like I’ve got to click on 8 things before I can edit a single data row.

  5. I understand where you are coming from. I tried developing an application recently with SQLite and ADO.NET and for some reason, with virtually no modifications to the code that handled the database functionality, it just… broke. I mean it would execute valid CREATE statements, but it would create a blank database, stuff like that. SQLite just ignored the create statement altogether, but didn’t respond with an error either.

  6. Ditto, there was sqliteCC that I was using before but since SQLite was updated, sqliteCC was not. I am stuck with using the command line. But SQLite is a great tool especially small programs.

  7. I disagree, Owen. PHPMyAdmin is a wonderful and incredibly useful tool; if you really want to edit a row in one step (and I can understand the desire to do so), do it from the command line.

  8. I didn’t get the feeling Matt was blasting sqlite, only that third party tools aren’t up to expectations. Personally, I wouldn’t worry too much about that, I have a feeling sqlite3 is going to pick up a lot of steam. But I’m an optimist who doesn’t know the meaning of deadline, some might add.

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