Bulletproof Fridge

Watching Mr and Mrs Smith today I learned that the doors of a Sub-Zero are bullet-proof. Handy!

21 thoughts on “Bulletproof Fridge

  1. During a home invasion, you could use it as a safe room! That is, until either a) you died from the cold or b) the invaders got hungry. Nevermind… bad idea.

  2. I *tried* to see Mr & Mrs last night. We were at the cinema an hour before showtime and they were already sold out. Dreadful.

    So it was a School of Rock DVD night instead.

  3. Besides making sure no one shoots your milk, what would be the use of a bullet proof fridge? If someone comes and tries to rob me, I don’t think I’d fit in the fridge… Plus.. that’d be really cold.

  4. I watched Mr and Ms Smith today – and I was impressed that it wasn’t as tacky as I thought it would be! And yes, Matt, I looked out for the scene with the Sub-Zero too!

    Sunny: I paid attention to the BMW Vs. People Carrier chase too…(notice how the BMW drivers had to slow down to make the other car look faster?! *Laughs*)…a good scene though.

    Greg: I looked for the Fight Club t-shirt name-drop too…nice!

    Anyone pick-up on the fact that the couple’s counciling sessions were a direct homage to ‘When Harry Met Sally’? (I thought that was nicely done too). Not sure if Brad and Angelina were convincing as a married couple though.

  5. Having Brad Pitt actually incorporate the product placements into his lines was so laughable it was funny.

    When a baddie jumps in the van and out the other side: “That door’s kinda useful”
    With a slow pan over Kost Kuts furniture store: “That’s a good store”

    How much more blatant can you get?
    For was amusing because I’ve never seen it done so blatantly before, but it’s bordering on infotainment.. very entertaining movie nonetheless

  6. The last person who wrote in is a retard. What he thought was product placement was just bargain-basement social commentary. I mean, really, the arrows on the sales floor of ‘HomeMade’? It’s a parody of IKEA, and neither store really exists. If you’re going to bitch about your own consumer culture, you probably should know what it is. No wonder no one else posted after you.

    I want my Ambien to kick in right. now.

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