phpOpenTracker is an OS framework for tracking website traffic that looks like it has some interesting features. Anyone else have any favorites for tracking stats?
phpOpenTracker is an OS framework for tracking website traffic that looks like it has some interesting features. Anyone else have any favorites for tracking stats?
For WordPress I love the ShortStat plugin by Shaun Inman and Jeff found at:
Hrm, awstats is pretty fly (needs access to the apache/ web server logs, which is it’s only down side). I also use feedburner with the nifty WP feedburner plugin for tracking RSS stats (it can be switched on and off at will, re-writing .htaccess which is painless). I also use the above shortstat plugin.
I’m a stat’s junkie, which is ironic given the fairly low foot traffic I receive.
I’ve used BBClone for a while and like it a lot.
I’ve been using axs
for several years. Never let me down. Though phpOpenTracker looks interesting. I’ll need to give that a good look.
I seconded BBClone. Supports unicode and works well with blogs.
I have been using Power Phlogger for the last three years (after using the perl AXS mentioned above). It’s a great addition to the standard AWS Stats package that installs on each account within my hosting environment.
The thing that sets it apart, like AXS and phpOpenTracker is it’s ability to see the path that visitors take when browsing the site, and the originating site they were referred from – all in one easy to read display.
Anything that is OS however, deserves further investigation and support…
Wait until you get a load of Mint… the Wolf’s latest piece of meat. It’s curiously strong.
Got to say that shortstat and refer are my favorite stat programs. I am also addicted to the new shortstat widget for osx.
Hey Mike,
Could you send me a copy? Seems like you’re running it to…?
I would, but that would be violating the heavy-handed, neo-communist, completely-unreasonable terms of The Wolf’s crack beta testing program. His thugs would be at my door before sunrise.
It won’t be long now…
Hmm.. Yeah, The Wolf is wellknown for his chronic stats addiction and horrific violence.. But, psst! He doesn’t have to know! Slip it to me under the table…
Any tool that relies on the Apache logs is going to give you wrong data (like 40% more hits than the actual ones even when Apache can’t log all the cached pages): tools that relies on tags are the only ones to trust.
We compared some months ago the RedSheriff (now Nielsen Site Census), with PHPStats [], and some apache log analysis tool and RedSheriff and PHPStats gave very similar data (+/-0.05%) and the apache logs something totally different.
phpOpenTracker looks great.
My BAStats plugin for WordPress is based on the same ideas that the phpOpenTracker uses. In fact, I had originally written that plugin to use the phpOpenTracker library, and then decided to rewrite it to slim it down.
I’m happy with TraceWatch (, using flash to generate the charts. Well done and works fine.
Knock, knock, wakey-wakey Mike.
(Tinus, come on. I’m linked in the article. As the chronic stats addict I am, you have to know I’d see this. Everyone will get their turn in good time. ;D)
Damn those wolves have sharp noses!
But seriously, you are right on time Shaun, it’s time for a good statistics application now Pphlogger looks officially dead. All other apps are real slow, bloated or to unflexible to use.
Pphlogger also is slow and bloated when you get > 10k a day. Some pages would take a full minute to load.
Re: phpopentracker: does anyone have any screenshots? I can’t understand how anyone can make a site about web-based software and not include a live demo or at least some screenshots.
Re: álvaro, “Any tool that relies on the Apache logs is going to give you wrong data”: how is that? The Apache logs catch everything, and it’s up to the software to parse it intelligently. I’d think that the superset of all HTTP requests would give better data than a subset of only PHP-enabled pages.
avalro, surely Apache, given that it logs all hits to the server, is more accurate, as it will log for those visitors that do not download the tag?
I’m installing phpOpenTracker right now after a long search for an open source php/mysql app that would allow me to track multiple websites under one installation. I have long been a fan of AXS because of the quality data it provides, but when you’re looking to track a network of sites, the per site install is a drag to setup and monitor. phpOpenTracker looks like it will solve this, though I which there was some forum support and better documentation. I’m stuck on something right now with using the APIs and I’ll have to wade it alone.
Apache logs do register a lot of hits that should not be counted as page views. Obviously since they keep all the information, you could stripe those hits appart and get to the real number. Truth is most people don’t do that. They just take the apache hits and post them as their page views, which is way overstated. If that’s what you are going to do, you should better go with tags.
We also PHP-Stats and find it a convenient solution. It’s a pity that development seems to have halted and that it requires a new instalation per blog tracked.