Geez, I should have stayed in Paris! When I arrived at my hotel in SoHo London last night around midnight I found out they had no record of my reservation from Orbitz and no rooms available. What makes this worse is my reservation for 4 nights had already been charged. Every hotel in town was booked solid for the night. Several hours later I found myself in a hotel waaaay out by Heathrow and now instead of exploring London I’m trying to clear things up, find a place to stay in town tonight, and catch up with work I was planning to do last night.
good luck man.. i had the same prob last night. i found such a bad place in paddidgton (falcon hotel) for 85pounds. when i got there the indian guy at the reception told me that next time i should not use the internet to book because they could give me a better deal for like 55pounds. Note that all other hotel were shown booked online!!!
should have said you were in London town, i could have put you up
Hey guys I just got it all worked out, but thank you VERY much for the offer!
I know this is going to sound intensely pedantic, but the area you’re talking about is called “Soho” rather than “SoHo” (note lack of BiCapitalisation). Hence the “London” suffix is also not needed.
Regardless of spelling, good to know it’s all sorted out, and enjoy London.
Hey, “Titanas”, the nationality of the person who served does not really matter. That just being nationalistic – assuming, of course, you knew the “indian guy” had told you his/her nationality.
Oh, I loathe nationalism.
So mat we will see you on friaday in the covernt gardens starbucks. around 12:00 ish :p
Hey, by any chance did you stay in a grim concrete-and-brick hotel next to a bowling alley with a McDonald’s inside? (It’s the only place I’ve ever been in England.)
(that is, it’s a hotel near Heathrow)
You should have called that little lawn gnome! “I’m on my way!”
Hey “Niklas “, i’m greek and i’m not used to that kind of cultural mix in jobs and all other social activities. I have nothing against indians of course.. i’m sorry if that sounded mean.
the gnome is travelocity…with orbitz it’s orbitz and go! so you’re just screwed I guess
I’m staying in quite a good Holiday Inn Express near Canning Town on Saturday. It’s about 2 minutes from the nearest tube station and about 25 minutes from the centre of London by tube. £50/night at weekends.
Would love to see you at the WP meetup but I’m in Birmingham tonight. I’ll be at the London Geek Dinner on Saturday though.
Hey Matt
Yea, you shoulda said something earlier!
I work in Soho and would gladly have either put you up or found something for you
Pity I can’t make this evening ;-(
Hope you enjoy your time here!
That’s why it’s always a good idea to book through a travelling agent. It may cost a bit more, but you have someone to sue when shit goes wrong.
Reasons I, and others, avoid Orbitz like the plague….
However if you don’t mind staying in really crappy rooms: there are ALWAYS rooms free in Earls Court…always.